In the Italian capital of culture 2024 an exhibition open until 19 October
Research, interviews, discoveries and analyzes conducted by 21 students of the University of the Republic of San Marino in the Pesaro area have led to seven projects in which, through the most up-to-date technologies available, the stories and characteristics of some places, but not only, of the Italian capital of culture 2024.
The works, created under the coordination of the teacher Roberto Paci Dalò and the researcher Giorgio Dall'Osso as part of the master's degree course in Interaction & Experience Design of the University of San Marino, are at the center of a free entry exhibition inaugurated last Saturday in the Galleria Rossini in via Rossini 38, in Pesaro, open until 19 October.
“Visitors – explain the two academics – find themselves in front of a series of installations in which videos and other contents relating to the students' projects are offered. They start on the one hand from characteristic places such as the fish market and the synagogue, on the other from elements such as the wind that blows on Mount San Bartolo, which some young people were inspired by to combine evocative events linked to the territory in the same frame".
The planned interactive installations immerse users in an experience that involves senses such as hearing, sight and touch, through objects with which to interact to activate voices, videos and more: “Ours is an experimental laboratory – specifies Paci Dalò together with Dall'Osso – in which we push ourselves to the limits of what is possible with current technologies”.
According to Daniele Vimini, councilor for Beauty and deputy mayor of the Municipality of Pesaro, the initiative brings together cultural and study, training and university experiences, making them part of a rethinking of the spaces of the reality that we have around us and of culture in a broader sense , as well as its use".
The projects were curated by the students Giacomo Albani, Luca Chiavaroli, Anna di Franco, Giulia Digiorgio, Mario Falasca, Giulio Mazzanti Dolci, Laura Facchini, Lucrezia Marcellitti, Giorgia Martini, Roberta Palermo, Sirio Procacci, Maurizio Raniolo, Rebecca Rizzo, Sara Seu , Alessia Tiberi, Alessia Tormen, Luca Trentalange, Valentina Ugolini, Alessandra Valentini, Luca Zanetti and Margherita Zotti.
The exhibition, entitled "Stories and geographies - seven Exhibit Design projects for Pesaro, Italian capital of culture 2024", is promoted by the University of San Marino together with the Beauty Department of the Municipality of Pesaro and Pesaro Museums.