UNIRSM News Children and language: a scholarship for research on the topic at the University of San Marino

Children and language: a scholarship for research on the topic at the University of San Marino

An assignment for an analysis on the introduction of plurilingualism in the Titano schools is also foreseen

Understand, through the ability to reproduce complex words, children's language skills and the presence of any signals that could be linked to specific learning disabilities. This is the objective of a research that is engaging the University of the Republic of San Marino in the context of the activities coordinated by Giacomo Stella, professor and expert in the sector, scientific director of the Masters and advanced training courses on the subject offered by the University of San Marino.

By the way, within the framework of the project, a call for tenders has been set up for an annual scholarship which will lead to the identification of a figure called to take care of, among other things, the activities envisaged with the pupils of the first elementary schools of San Marino who will join to search. Applications to participate in the selection, open to the under 35s, must be received by 12 noon on Friday 10 February.

However, there is time until Wednesday 8 February to apply for a second five-month scholarship on the analysis and collection of data regarding the introduction of multilingualism in the San Marino school system. The initiative is coordinated by the director of the Department of Human Sciences, Luigi Guerra.

More information on the website www.unirsm.sm, in the "announcements, competitions and selections" section, which can be accessed from the "University" area.