UNIRSM News The University of San Marino's Design degree courses are looking for a research fellow and a social media manager

The University of San Marino's Design degree courses are looking for a research fellow and a social media manager

Applications for the two calls are open until January 28th

“Investigate, deepen and critically illustrate how the culture of Design in the fields of information, communication and visual representation can support processes of social and environmental change and transformation according to ethical values”. This is one of the main tasks assigned to the person who will win a research grant provided by the courses in Design of the University of the Republic of San Marino, through a call open to graduates aged 35 and under.

The activities, as reported, will consolidate a path that sees the University of San Marino already engaged for some time in "various research projects" to "help communities and territories in identifying cultural, social, material and immaterial resources" involved in processes "of design, implementation and valorization" that until now have involved technology, craftsmanship, small businesses and more. The horizon, as stated in the selection announcement, is "to reflect on responsibilities and strategies to imagine new system design actions that have cultural, economic and social repercussions in the contexts in which they operate". The title of the research: "Community Design".

The selection will be open until January 28. The same deadline, moreover, for a second competition announcement through which the new manager of the “Communication and social media marketing” activities of the degree courses will be identified, who will be mainly entrusted with the management of the profiles present on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and more.