UNIRSM News The projects of the students of the University of San Marino on display in Milan: live streaming on YouTube on Wednesday

The projects of the students of the University of San Marino on display in Milan: live streaming on YouTube on Wednesday

Involved the degree course in Design, also engaged on the Titan with a series of conferences

Until 31 May, the Italian Association of Visual Communication Design (AIAP) will host an exhibition in Milan created by students of the University of the Republic of San Marino.

The basis of the initiative is the work carried out in the Communication Laboratory of the degree course in Design held by the teacher Lucia Roscini together with the tutor Ilaria Ruggeri, with the aim of creating a series of 'pocket exhibitions' based on the photos of the fields of Nazi extermination, to understand how and if the images of that period can bring attention to what happened.

Among the dozens of posters and over one hundred postcards on display, together with logos and concepts, the selected works were curated by nine groups of students: “Some projects – explains Roscini – I propose sequences of ten or twenty simply reproduced images, while others are been reworked. In one case – continues the teacher – superheroes such as Batman and Robin were drawn on people, in an attempt to give back to the figures involved dreams that were the opposite of what was happening to them”.

As part of the exhibition, a round table is scheduled at 18 pm on Wednesday 24 May which will involve, among others, the director of the degree course in Design, Riccardo Varini, and the architect Anna Steiner, who in recent months has was the protagonist of a workshop within the framework of the Communication Laboratory. "We will ask ourselves whether operations like this are effective and what the students think about them - explains Roscini - also asking ourselves about the meaning and sense that the search for historical evidence can have today in the light of the effects of artificial intelligence, which manages to create from scratch". In other words: “Have the photographs lost their documentary value?”

The comparison, which will be broadcast live on the AIAP YouTube channel, will take place together with the exhibition in the gallery in via Amilcare Ponchielli 3 and joins a series of parallel meetings, on other topics and aimed at the students of the University of San Marino, organized at the University of the Ancient Monastery of Santa Chiara, in the historic center of Titano. On May 15th, in collaboration with Colorificio Sammarinese, Massimo Caiazzo and Sonia Pedrazzini curated the intervention "Living colors - color as a project material", while Thursday May 25th "CO2 - Beyond global warming" is scheduled. Physicist Riccardo Vannucci takes the chair to talk about climate change.