UNIRSM News The Strategic Plan of the University of San Marino under examination by the Great and General Council: the path for growth has been mapped out

The Strategic Plan of the University of San Marino under examination by the Great and General Council: the path for growth has been mapped out

In Parliament the document edited by the Rector Corrado Petrocelli and the general director Laura Gobbi

A 30% growth in enrollments, new scholarships, more funding for research and an increase in the number of degree and specialization courses offered, but not only that: in the Strategic Plan 2024 – 26 of the University of the Republic of San Marino, which is expected to be presented to the Great and General Council during the session starting on Monday 16 December, an expansion of the facilities and the creation of a student residence, currently absent, are also indicated, urgent in light of the increase in international activities, which will cause a surge in the number of professors and students from academic institutions in other countries.

The parliament of the Titan will thus be updated on the expected goals, as well as on the resources and tools needed to achieve them. Maximum attention, in this sense, to the methods of action: the commitment reiterated in the document, edited by the Rector Corrado Petrocelli and the general director Laura Gobbi, is in fact aimed at an "ethical and sustainable development, in the interest of the community and the environment".

The intention is to continue generating “public value”. The University, it is stated, “feels today more than ever the responsibility to contribute with training, research and third mission to the creation of the founding elements of citizens’ well-being”, which “increasingly must be identified in knowledge and shared values”. In this context, the University has the task of “knowing how to intercept changes early, identify future needs and create the skills necessary to understand and satisfy them”.

To continue in this direction, an economic investment is planned, reported in a budget that, looking back, "in the last three years" has contributed to results defined as "extraordinary".

These words were expressed in light of the “enormous development that the University has had, the creation of all the missing services”, the increase “in degree and study courses, the many collaborations with the territory and the development of the locations”. To the annual contribution of the State are added “the revenues” collected thanks to registrations and other initiatives, “which reach 40% of the total budget”.

Different ambitions on the internal front: priority on completing the digitalization of all processes and administrative simplification, through safety in the workplace and the creation of new offices for the planning of international research, logistics and procurement. Maximum attention, moreover, to the quality assurance system, thanks to the activities of an "independent evaluation body".

The awareness "of being part of an ambitious project that looks to the world but, at the same time, also knows how to focus" on the territory, "is the strong connotation of the University of San Marino and reflects the great change that the republic is preparing to make," "at the moment in which for the first time it opens up concretely to the world and enters into an association agreement with the European Union. It is certainly no coincidence - reports the Strategic Plan - that precisely in this historic challenge the country has chosen to seek help from the University".