UNIRSM News The 'Alberto Dormio' Graduation Award to six students of the University of San Marino

The 'Alberto Dormio' Graduation Award to six students of the University of San Marino

From the course in Management Engineering the recognition in memory of the former director, with the contribution of Club 41 Italia

Company cases and areas such as digitalisation, open innovation and sustainability were analyzed in the six theses in Management Engineering selected for the 'Alberto Dormio' Degree Award of the University of the Republic of San Marino, in collaboration with Club 41 Italy.

The recognition, named after the former director of the degree course who passed away in 2020, was awarded today, Monday 18 December, to Valentina Mini, Samanta Pazzini, Anna Rinaldi, Michele Rizzi, Davide Felici and Giorgia Giacché.

Reserved for students who, after completing the three-year period in the 2021-22 Academic Year, continued on Titan with the master's degree course, the award was assigned by a commission appointed by the Rector of the University of San Marino, Corrado Petrocelli.

Present at the ceremony, in the university headquarters of the World Trade Center in Dogana, were Fabio Agabiti, in the past president of Club 41 Italia and now of that of Rimini, together with the leaders of the degree courses in Management Engineering represented by the director, Barbara Bigliardi, and by deputy director, Leonardo Tagliente.

“With this initiative – explain the academics – we are going to support the students who have shone the most with their studies and we do so by remembering a key figure in the path of affirmation of this training program. A tireless figure to whom the University can only recognize a fundamental contribution, Dormio was a constant stimulus to improve and face academic life with passion and dedication. He therefore left us a message – conclude Bigliardi and Tagliente – which is reflected in the winning theses, for which we congratulate our students. In fact, the level of analysis and research is high, often conducted in partnership with some entrepreneurial excellence in the area".