UNIRSM News The present and future of those who design and control bridges, in a seminar at the University of San Marino

The present and future of those who design and control bridges, in a seminar at the University of San Marino

Wednesday 22 May, at Dogana, an appointment with scholars, companies and experts

What does it mean for an engineer to design a bridge with the most up-to-date techniques available? And what happens in the construction phases, first, and then in the monitoring phases? Some of the leading experts on the peninsula will answer the questions on Wednesday 22 May during a seminar organized by the University of the Republic of San Marino.

The event, organized by the Civil Engineering degree courses, will mainly focus on the construction of new structures, on the one hand, and the verification of the conditions in which the works are found on the other, especially those built several decades ago. In this sense, one of the interventions focused on monitoring and available technologies will be entrusted to Capstudio, an Ancona company.

Also planned is an in-depth study on the challenges represented by the design and manufacturing of the suspension bridge that crosses the Danube river in the Braila area, in Romania, curated by Fincantieri Infrastructure. There is therefore room for 'non-destructive testing', which allows examinations and measurements without altering the materials or removing samples, thanks to the intervention of an engineer from the Diagnostic Research Company (DRC).

Professor Emanuele Maiorana will speak for the University of San Marino and close the seminar with an in-depth discussion entitled "Durability and maintenance". At the opening, the works will be inaugurated by the director of the degree courses in Civil Engineering at the University of San Marino, Angelo Marcello Tarantino, together with Michele Bacciocchi, who teaches Construction Science. A contribution from Bruno Briseghella, professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, is also expected.

The event, entitled "Current and recent developments - experiences in bridges", is scheduled from 11am to 30pm in via Consiglio dei Senta 17, in Dogana. There is the possibility of following the seminar online.

The initiative will take place in collaboration with the Order of Engineers and Architects of San Marino, the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rimini, the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Designers and Conservators of the Province of Rimini.