UNIRSM News Agreement between the University of San Marino and the Italian National Council of Engineers: courses for professionals on fire prevention, acoustics and more

Agreement between the University of San Marino and the Italian National Council of Engineers: courses for professionals on fire prevention, acoustics and more

The Orders of Rimini, Pesaro – Urbino, the Order of Engineers and Architects and the College of Surveyors of San Marino are involved

The University of the Republic of San Marino and the Italian National Council of Engineers have signed a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of professional training activities, events, internships, joint courses and more within the framework of a project involving Professional orders of the provinces of Rimini and Pesaro – Urbino, as well as the Order of Engineers and Architects of Titano and the College of Surveyors and First Level Graduated Technicians.
The document, signed this morning, Tuesday 21 February, in the university headquarters of the World Trade Center in Dogana, has a duration of three years and lays the foundations for the first planned initiatives, already being drawn up: it is a course on fire prevention for San Marino technicians in collaboration with the Rimini Fire Brigade, a course on acoustics aimed at professionals from the Rimini area and a further training session on the technical and regulatory management of complex projects such as those envisaged by the National Recovery Plan and Resilience prepared by the Italian government, with particular regard to green and digital investments.
The agreement, signed at the site where the activities of the Civil Engineering and Management Engineering degree courses take place, in addition to the Construction and Land Management study programme, therefore involves the University of San Marino together with the Italian national representative body institutions of the engineers and the peripheral levels bordering the Titan territory. Furthermore, the categories concerned within the republic are protagonists. The common interest, as reported in the protocol, is "to create a fruitful collaboration relationship aimed at providing a significant contribution to the training, promotion and improvement of the skills of the engineering category".