Friday 24 November a series of insights dedicated to lawyers, accountants, notaries, law enforcement agencies and PA officials
There are over 180 participants registered for the next seminar on the new provisions on anti-money laundering and combating terrorism organized by the University of the Republic of San Marino and managed by the Financial Information Agency (AIF) of Titano. In the audience figures such as lawyers, notaries, accountants, members of the police forces and officials of the Public Administration, who from 15 pm on Friday 24 November, in the university headquarters in via Salita alla Rocca 44, in the historic centre, will be updated on the main changes recently made on the subject. Four in-depth studies are scheduled, entrusted to the AIF director Nicola Muccioli, the deputy director Alessandro Sberlati, the supervisory service manager Marco Ciacci and Alessandra Taddei for the regulatory service and legal services.
“This is a day of study in which we will illustrate to those who work in this field, for example the lawyers and accountants who follow their respective clients, the provisions adopted and the innovations introduced, including a new mechanism for sharing information , within a single platform,” explains Muccioli. “We will also illustrate the activities that AIF intends to carry out in the near future with the professional associations and other categories of subjects subject to the anti-money laundering regulation, identifying together any critical issues and the most appropriate strategies to address them”.
During the event, the speakers also provided an overview of the initiatives implemented in the field of supervision, on the one hand, and financial analysis on the other, to provide participants with feedback on the main activities carried out: "The seminar - concludes the AIF director – is intended as an incipit for carrying out continuous training on anti-money laundering, currently under study".
The initiative falls within the scope of the San Marino School of Higher Education for Legal and Economic Professions, followed by the University's Legal Institute. It takes place in collaboration with the Order of Lawyers and Notaries and the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, together with the General Directorate of the Public Function.