UNIRSM News The University of San Marino is looking for a tutor to support the degree course activities: a scholarship is available

The University of San Marino is looking for a tutor to support the degree course activities: a scholarship is available

The competition notice will be open until 16 October

Teaching assistance and support to the organizational secretariat: these are the main activities that will be carried out by the person who will be awarded a scholarship provided by the University of the Republic of San Marino within the framework of the Department of Economics, Science and Law, lasting six months.

Candidates are required to have IT skills to collaborate in the management of the teaching, technical and logistical activities of the degree courses in Design, Management Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction and Land Management.

To participate in the selection foreseen in the competition announcement, reserved for San Marino citizens or residents in possession of a degree, you have until 12pm on Monday 16 October.

More information at the following link.