UNIRSM News The University of San Marino on display in Milan with student projects and the voice of the artist Alessandro Bergonzoni

The University of San Marino on display in Milan with student projects and the voice of the artist Alessandro Bergonzoni

The degree courses in Design at the International Graphics Biennial, including sold-out workshops and exhibitions

Over 800 people visited the exhibition set up by the University of the Republic of San Marino in the framework of the International Graphics Biennial from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May, which brought together in Milan entities such as the Hoepli publishing house, the New Academy of Fine Arts and the Italian Association of Visual Communication Design.

On display, in a 300 square meter space created in the Magazzini Raccordati of the Central Station, the works of around 120 students from the three-year degree course in Design and the master's course in Interaction & Experience Design, who tested themselves on a common theme: the distances.

“A fluid and dynamic concept that takes shape in multiple forms, relationships and approximations”, explain the curators Silvia Gasparotto and Sergio Menichelli, professors of the University of San Marino. “Empathy, social relationships, hyperconnection and microscopic or macroscopic visions are just some of the declinations on which the students worked in the Visual Communication laboratories of our study courses, questioning themselves on the nature of interpersonal and interspecies relationships”.

Eleven professors were involved, who together with six tutors accompanied the students in developing the works: among the projects presented, a particular alphabet composed of signs made with objects found on the beach of Rimini and a digital platform that offers an interactive journey along the Po river showing the effects of the 'salt wedge', a phenomenon which sees salty sea water flowing into the inland aquifer, due for example to drought, which is in turn linked to climate change.

The projects on display were accompanied by the possibility of listening to some passages, broadcast by an audio system, offered by the artist Alessandro Bergonzoni last March at the University of San Marino during the performance "To stay and not distant", created during a seminar: “His voice – comment the curators – introduced and accompanied the visitors”.

In addition to the exhibition, entitled "D/STANZE - form, relations, approximations", as part of the International Graphics Biennial, the degree courses in Design of the University of San Marino curated three workshops which were sold out and involved 40 participants from various Italian academic institutions.