UNIRSM News The University of San Marino in the Czech Republic with a state-of-the-art system dedicated to those involved in road maintenance

The University of San Marino in the Czech Republic with a state-of-the-art system dedicated to those involved in road maintenance

A study of the Civil Engineering degree course at the Transcom international scientific event

A system designed for those who work in the field of road maintenance, especially in local administrations, which makes it possible to collect, manage and process data using georeferenced digital platforms, working through apps available on smartphones and with the possibility of predicting where and how to intervene to save money time and optimize expenses, as well as use eco-sustainable technologies.

This is the project presented by Alex Balzi, a researcher at the University of the Republic of San Marino, at the Transcom 2023 international scientific conference, held in Mikulov, in the Czech Republic, from 29 to 31 May.

The project, which consolidates the activities carried out in the sector by the Civil Engineering degree course through collaborations that have recently involved the local administrations of realities such as Ravenna, Fano, Riccione and Reggio Emilia, also provides for the sharing of data between public bodies, favoring the coordination between those involved, for example, in services related to water, gas and electricity, who can thus carry out their operations on the roads harmoniously and without mutual inconvenience thanks to a punctual organization.

In front of an audience of about 150 PhD students and researchers from all over the world, Balzi illustrated the characteristics of the study, entitled "Pavement management system: implementing project evaluation for local road administrations", and thus confirmed the location of the University of San Marino in the sector after the "Best impact research" award received in 2019 by the Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie.