UNIRSM News The University of San Marino in a research project on gender equality funded by the European Commission

The University of San Marino in a research project on gender equality funded by the European Commission

On 9 and 10 February the first meeting together with academics from Denmark, Ireland, Romania, Portugal

The University of the Republic of San Marino is working to offer its contribution in the context of a research project funded by the European Commission which analyzes the influence of television series on the opinions on gender equality developed by viewers among the 18 and 25 years of age, as well as the elaboration of courses that will have the objective of bringing high school students closer to an inclusive society model based on contrasting stereotypes and discrimination.

By the way, on 9 and 10 February the professor of the University of San Marino Maria Elena D'Amelio took part in the first meeting scheduled during the two years of activity envisaged for the initiative. The meeting took place in Rome within the framework of the Link Campus University, leader of an international consortium made up of academic realities from countries such as Denmark, Ireland, Romania and Portugal, as well as the Villa Montesca Study Center Foundation and institutional representatives from Bulgaria, Malta and beyond Alone.

The project, called Gemini (Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New training Insights), is part of the current European Union strategy for gender equality and is mainly aimed at high school students on the continent, as well as teachers and trainers. Among the scheduled activities: interviews, analysis of texts and multimedia contents, focus groups, surveys and the production of audiovisuals, as well as a screenplay competition.