UNIRSM News The University of San Marino renews its support for Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese in view of the 22nd edition

The University of San Marino renews its support for Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese in view of the 22nd edition

Tagliente: "The competition best matches our philosophy and follows our areas of study"

"A great stimulus for the area and a precious opportunity for all our students, confirmed by the participation of our members in various editions of the competition and by the second place obtained on one occasion by a current member of our staff, founder of a startup ”. These are the words with which Leonardo Tagliente, deputy director of the Management Engineering degree courses at the University of the Republic of San Marino, confirms the University's participation in the next edition of Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese, a business plan competition for ideas and projects aimed to the territories of the provinces of Rimini, Forlì - Cesena and Ravenna, as well as to Titano.

“It is an initiative that best matches our philosophy and follows our areas of study – explains the academic – especially in the field of innovation management and business planning. It is no coincidence – he underlines – that the University of San Marino has been a member of it since its inception”.

Among the various activities, the University is an active part of the competition thanks to the vice presidency of the board of directors of the Associazione Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese covered by Tagliente, who is also part of the scientific committee together with representatives of private and academic entities and realities.

Now in its 22nd edition, the competition is open to groups of at least two people including aspiring entrepreneurs and neo-entrepreneurs. Applications are open until May 28, with a prize pool of 20.000 euros up for grabs together with an extensive support activity that includes training, coaching and mentoring with experts. Read more about new ideas and new businesses.