UNIRSM News Can exhibitions and museums enhance the Titan area? The answer in a conference at the University of San Marino

Can exhibitions and museums enhance the Titan area? The answer in a conference at the University of San Marino

Gallery directors, institutional representatives and more will take the stage, in the name of originality and innovation

The current and past leaders of entities such as the Egyptian Museum of Turin, the National Gallery of the Marche and the General Directorate of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the Italian Ministry of Culture will take the chair for a conference of the University of the Republic of San Marino entitled “The art system: culture and valorisation of the territory”.

As part of the initiative, scheduled for Friday 22 September from 9 am in the university headquarters in via Salita alla Rocca 44, in the historic center of Titano, the participation of the director of the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna, of the number one from the National Gallery of Umbria and representatives of other structures involved in the sector.

“We are talking about a constantly changing system that involves artists, works, museums, collectors, curators, galleries and more”, explain the organizers from the Legal Institute of the University of San Marino. “The conference was born from the need to reflect on the change that the world of culture, specifically that of art and museums, brings to the territory in which it is located, in particular when combined with management and involving activities such as social campaigns and much more ”.

In this sense, privileged are experiences that have stood out for their originality: "Examples of irreverent and innovative communication, among other cases, but also street art".

On the sidelines of the event, a photographic exhibition on the twinning between the City of San Marino and Xiamen, China, to complete a conference organized with the patronage of the General Directorate of Public Function. Among the Titan entities involved are also the Cultural Institutes and the National Gallery of San Marino.

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