Eight seminars are planned in collaboration with the University of San Marino
The new edition of the Higher Education course in Interreligious Dialogue and International Relations curated by the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences “A. Marvelli” together with the School of Historical Studies of the University of the Republic of San Marino.
The proposed itinerary pays particular attention to the Balkan and Mediterranean areas with a focus on networks of solidarity and the promotion of peace, as well as on interreligious and intercultural coexistence.
The course is aimed in particular at those who work in the strategic sectors of international relations, interreligious and intercultural dialogue, requiring specific knowledge of the great cultures and religious traditions of humanity.
The Higher School of Historical Studies of the University of San Marino will, in particular, organize eight seminars on topics such as "Christianity and Buddhism", "Models of evangelization in China between the past and the present", "Catholic-Islamic dialogue".
Thirty-five seats available, twenty minimum ones.
More information on the aims, methodology, structure of the training offer and more on the Institute's website.