UNIRSM News New opportunities for students and staff of the University of San Marino with the programs of the Network of Universities of small States and territories

New opportunities for students and staff of the University of San Marino with the programs of the Network of Universities of small States and territories

Two undergraduate students recently spent a period of study in Iceland

The impact of artificial intelligence in the field of education and the possibility of holding an international seminar entitled 'Making history in small states and territories', proposed by the University of the Republic of San Marino, are two of the topics addressed last May 10 in Vaduz, in the headquarters of the University of Liechtenstein, by the 13 academic institutions gathered in the Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territories (NUSCT).

The fifth annual meeting of the organization also represented an opportunity to verify the quality and positive effects of the multilateral mobility program implemented by the Network, suggested by the University of San Marino. By the way, the system has recently facilitated the period of study in Iceland for two students of the University of San Marino: not only affecting students, but also teachers and staff, the program also includes a visit by computer technicians from the University of Andorra sul Titano for a discussion with colleagues from the republic on the best practices in the sector.

This is an opportunity for further exchange and growth produced by a network involving the territories of Andorra, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Malta, Montenegro and beyond, of which San Marino is one of the founders.

"During the meeting - explains Michele Chiaruzzi, who represented the Ateneo del Titano together with the heads of the other institutions present - we received further proof of the dynamic vitality of the Network with the participation of Andrew Deeks, president of the International Association of Universities, largest group in the world. The seminar 'Making history in small states and territories', an idea of ​​the Rector Corrado Petrocelli introduced in the meeting that took place on the Titano in 2021, was also confirmed and will take place. The appointment in Vaduz, housed in a former cotton mill that stands out as a virtuous example of reconversion from the industrial economy to that of knowledge, finally saw an expansion of the network with the approval of the University of Åland, an autonomous Finnish province of 29.000 inhabitants, demilitarized and Swedish-speaking, which invests about half of its budget of 7,5 million euros in research”.