In Lombardy, an international conference on the role of academic realities in the implementation of the Istanbul Convention
The University of the Republic of San Marino presented two projects on the elimination of violence against women and domestic violence as part of an international conference on the role of educational and academic realities in the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, adopted in 2011 by European Council.
During the event, which on 27 and 28 October brought together a series of figures active in the world of research from countries such as France, Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey and Poland at the Bicocca University of Milan, a path created at Serravalle Professional Training Center (CFP) and a second initiative dedicated to students of the degree course in Communication and Digital Media of the University of San Marino.
In the first case, the girls attending the three-year course to become beauticians made up the photos of some women interned in the Imola mental hospital in the second half of the 1800th century, working on images taken from the book "Melancholia with amazement" by Karen Venturini, professor of the University of San Marino and coordinator of a project that allowed teenagers to discover the stories involved and connect with the protagonists.
The second in-depth analysis was instead carried out by Professor Maria Elena D'Amelio, professor of "English - Media and Gender" lessons at the University of San Marino: in the classroom, stereotypes were identified and analysed, through case studies emerged in films and television series that have recently addressed themes such as sexuality and crime, also broadening the perspective to contents present on social media.
The two teachers represented the University of San Marino during the conference in Milan, who reviewed the activities carried out since 2008 by the University of San Marino in the area with the coordination of awareness and prevention works, as well as through a wide series of training courses aimed at magistrates, law enforcement agencies, professional associations, operators in the social-health sectors, school staff and family mediators, in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Authority.
“To this – explain the academics – is added the formation of the Laboratory for Gender Identity Education, in which researchers from different disciplines working on ideas and training projects cooperate”.
Venturini and D'Amelio finally expressed the University of San Marino's desire to draw up the first Gender Budget, in which to identify how many women and men there are among the professors and administrative staff of the University, as well as among students, with the aim of identifying any imbalances and intervention measures. Furthermore, an analysis of the impact of the activities implemented in the academic field on the topic should be included.
The Milan conference was organized by OCEAN, a project of the Council of Europe which brings together the academic networks responsible for the development of charters and conventions, and Università in Rete Contro la Violenza di Gender (UNIRE), which includes institutions, research centers and scholars.