At the Kursaal Congress Center international academics and a focus on Palazzo Pubblico
“Knowing more about these issues helps professionals to be at the forefront of available techniques and methodologies, institutions to express new sensitivities and the community as a whole to know the ideal ways to respond to earthquakes”.
The advantages, listed by the researcher and teacher Davide Forcellini, concern the possibilities offered by the symposium on Earthquake Engineering with which on Saturday 6 July the University of the Republic of San Marino will host seven of the leading experts in the sector at an international level.
At the Kursaal Congress Center, from 9 am, professors from academic institutions in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom will speak: from Joel Conte from the University of California San Diego to Hing Ho Tsang from the University of Dundee, up to Forcellini himself, who teaches in San Marino.
In-depth studies are planned which will involve the tools with which buildings are made to collapse by simulating earthquakes of various magnitudes, the methods of isolating buildings, the impacts on bridges and the seismic resilience of communities. An intervention linked to Palazzo Pubblico is also planned, curated by Forcellini.
“The seismic protection of an area affects all the people who live there and frequent it, both in terms of prevention and in terms of reaction to possible disasters,” explains the academic. “The involvement in the organization of the symposium of entities such as the Secretariat of State for the Territory, to which is added the patronage of the Order of Engineers and Architects of San Marino and the Italian Seismic Engineering Association (ISI), are excellent conditions for broad and transversal participation. The aim is to involve both professionals and interested parties, to the benefit of all and for collective growth".