UNIRSM News More and more projects for the PA, how to deal with them? The answer in a seminar of the University of San Marino

More and more projects for the PA, how to deal with them? The answer in a seminar of the University of San Marino

Saturday 22 April an initiative dedicated to operators and managers to trace the path of the future

“Within Public Administrations, the time dedicated to internal projects commissioned by managers from personnel, for example the digitization of a process or the reorganization of the offer of services provided, is increasing more and more. It is therefore necessary to draw attention to the need to invest, in this sense, in organizational culture and training”. These are the words with which Guido Capaldo, professor at the Federico II University of Naples and of the Master in Management Practices in the PA of the University of the Republic of San Marino, introduces the seminar "Programming and managing the value of the PA", scheduled Saturday 22 April at 14 pm in the university headquarters of the former Court, in via Salita alla Rocca 44, in the historic centre.

The appointment, aimed in particular at operators and managers of the Public Administration, will be an opportunity to consolidate, in the republic, a process already started with the previous edition of the Master, from which projects adopted on Titan and recognized throughout the peninsula from realities such as the magazine "Il project manager", which recently dedicated an article to a project work on the digitization of procedures for obtaining construction permits in the building sector, elaborated by three officials of the San Marino PA during the Master and under the coordination of Capaldo.

This is a concrete example of the impact of the training initiatives offered by the University and aimed at local operators, which will be explored during the seminar together with other aspects such as the criteria for evaluating the results and training courses for employees. In the chair, together with Capaldo, figures such as Eugenio Marogna, senior partner of EM Consulting, Manuel Canti, director of the Department of Public Administration, and Karen Venturini, professor at the University of San Marino.

"Usually, internal PA projects are entrusted to figures who do not have an ad-hoc training path behind them or specific knowledge of what they are called to deal with, and cannot count, among other things, on homogeneous guidelines established on a general level”, explains Capaldo again. "That's why, in addition to investing in individuals, it is necessary to activate project management offices capable of defining the right frames".

Finally, during the seminar, the professor will present the volume "Programming and managing the value of the PA - a streamlined guide for occasional project managers", written together with his colleague Vincenza Capone of the Federico II University of Naples.
More information on the seminar in the section "events".

Photo by Francesco Pierantoni