UNIRSM News Security, development and services: the challenges of the municipalities close to Titan in a conference at the University of San Marino

Security, development and services: the challenges of the municipalities close to Titan in a conference at the University of San Marino

Mayors and officials from Santarcangelo, Rimini and other areas will take the stage on 20 October

Floods, crime, health emergencies, changes in society and beyond: how have the recent challenges of the municipalities near Titano been addressed? To talk about it, during a conference organized by the Legal Institute of the University of the Republic of San Marino, institutional representatives and professionals called to talk about their experiences in an event organized in the framework of the Master in Managerial Practices in the Public Administration of University of San Marino.

In the university headquarters of the Ex Tribunal, in the historic center, on Friday 20 October, figures such as the administrative director of the Municipality of Bellaria Igea Marina, Ivan Cecchini, and the mayor of Santarcangelo di Romagna, Alice Parma, spoke. The first analyzed the fight against crime by addressing aspects such as the diagnosis of the level of urban security and the perception of fear, while the first citizen indicated the interventions implemented during the pandemic as a vehicle for renewing the credibility of local institutions in the face of citizens and strengthen the sense of belonging to the community. There will also be space for topics such as infrastructure, urban planning and tourist proposals together with the general secretary of the Province of Rimini, Luca Uguccioni, before an analysis on the merger of the Municipalities of Poggio Berni and Torriana by the councilor Francesca Macchitella, who described the obstacles administrative, cultural and social aspects of the operation.

In closing, two in-depth studies dedicated to the Unione Montana del Montefeltro and to the consortium The Lovely Places, a tourism development network created to promote the territories within a radius of 50 kilometers from Titano, to which over one hundred municipalities belong.

“From the meeting – explains the teacher Karen Venturini commenting on the conference entitled 'The management of territories: problems and future challenges' – it emerges that today the territory is the primary place to activate a new concept of development based on solidarity and self-production economies , with a thrifty and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Faced with an increasingly complex civil society, in a period of crisis of values ​​and economies, territorial managers are called upon to provide responses according to integrated policies, with innovative projects for the networking of services and with skills for economic and social redevelopment".

Hence the initiative of the University of San Marino moderated by Federica Palazzi, professor of Business Economics at the University of Urbino, who underlined the importance of "care for the people who live in these places and are custodians of the environment that includes them" .