UNIRSM News Studying abroad thanks to the University of San Marino: the experience of those who have done it

Studying abroad thanks to the University of San Marino: the experience of those who have done it

Malta, Brazil, Iceland, Spain and Japan among the destinations of students from the University of San Marino who spent a semester away from Titan

“We were in every respect a big family.” This is how Isabella Gori, student of the degree course in Communication and Digital Media, describes the relationships born with the people she met during an academic semester spent in Malta this year, as part of the international mobility programs offered by the University of Republic of San Marino.

Interviewed by the magazine of the University of San Marino, the girl outlined her experience, also speaking of teachers who were "very clear in their presentation, ready to provide practical examples and interact, often asking for opinions".

Between friendships and lessons, new cultural horizons and daily challenges, Gori's path added to that of the other students of the University of San Marino who in recent years have moved to partner academic institutions for a few months: from 2021 to today the main destinations were the Pontifìcia Universidade Catòlica do Paranà, in Brazil, the University of La Laguna, in Spain, and the Tokyo International University, in Japan.

In this context also the experience of Gabriele Lunadei, who flew to Akureyri, Iceland: “Such a period – he says – allows for very important growth”. And again: “Compared to when I left I feel changed, I have a different mentality”.

At the same time, the possibility of going abroad to prepare a degree thesis may emerge for students of the University of San Marino. It happened, among others, to Chiara Nascioli, enrolled in Civil Engineering and working in the laboratories of San Diego State University, in California: in some ways hers "was a movie adventure", she stated after returning . In addition to signing a study that earned her a degree with 110 cum laude, she was exposed to the American academic reality and "bonded a lot with other foreign people who came from Europe and the rest of the world, who were there to study how myself". A "very nice and helpful" figure followed her and gave her support. She was my contact person, she helped me before and during the experience”.

The possibilities extend to those enrolled in the degree courses in Management Engineering, Design and Construction and Land Management, with opportunities in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Albania, Romania, Australia, the Faroe Islands, Liechtenstein, Greenland, Cyprus, Montenegro, Andorra and China, in addition to the countries already mentioned.
The stories of young people who have undertaken study periods abroad are available on the site mag.unirsm.sm, with interviews and insights carried out together with the students, under the coordination of journalists and designers.