UNIRSM News Usmaradio on the pages of the newspaper Il Manifesto

Usmaradio on the pages of the newspaper Il Manifesto

The broadcaster of the University of San Marino in an in-depth look at web radios in Italy

A reality that has given life to a "unique Radio Research Center in Europe", which involves "residencies for artists, specific attention to the presence of women in the world of electronic music and an elective affinity with the theater ”.

These are the words with which the Il Manifesto masthead described Usmaradio, broadcaster of the University of the Republic of San Marino, in the second appointment of a serialized reportage on the peninsula's web radio edited by Lucrezia Ercolani, published on 11 August last.

Founded in 2017, the structure of the University of San Marino "is very different from what is expected of a radio campus", reads the in-depth analysis. "Usually we broadcast discs in their entirety", the director Roberto Paci Dalò points out in the article.

“A record is like a book: there is a dramaturgy, chapters, a sequence, that's why we are interested in the complete work. We consider ourselves heirs of extraordinary projects such as Audiobox (Rai) and of all the experimentation made since the early 90s: telematic projects, interactive performances that have connected artists all over the world”.