The representatives of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of San Marino, of the Authority for the Authorization, Accreditation and Quality of Health, Social-Healthcare and Social-Educational Services and of the Complex Operating Unit for Mental Health of the Social Security Institute signed in November 2009 the agreement for the establishment of a "Permanent Observatory on the condition of youth in the Republic of San Marino".
May 2016
Education in the conscious use of social networks.
April 2016
Explore reality, decide the future.
Comparison of interventions in favor of the younger generations between realities and perspectives.
March - April 2014
Implementation of Training-education interventions on affectivity and gender differences in the classes Second Middle of the Republic of San Marino, in collaboration with UOC Salute Donna.
March 2014
Participation a "Making and unmaking gender: educational paths and good practices in schools" promoted by CSGE Centro Studi sul Genre e l'Educazione (Bologna, 14 March 2014) – workshop intervention “Making and Undoing gender in lower secondary schools – Education to affectivity: a San Marino experience” Silvia Stefanelli and Patrizia Stefanelli.
January - March 2014
Implementation of Training-education interventions on affectivity, sexuality and contraception in the classes Third Middle School of the Republic of San Marino, in collaboration with UOC Salute Donna.
August 2013
Participation to the SMART festival of knowledge.
January - May 2013
Training-education interventions on affectivity, sexuality and contraception in the middle school classes of the Republic of San Marino, in collaboration with the UOC Salute Donna.