UNIRSM People Alberto Franci

Alberto Franci

Biographical profile

Collegial judgment for the competition for full professor of social statistics
The candidate's scientific production reveals a strong orientation towards the study of the various aspects of planning, management and evaluation of social and health services.
The candidate's original contributions, methodological rigor, constant passion for research, remarkable interpretative skills, and scientific results obtained demonstrate the achievement of full scientific maturity. Therefore, the Commission, unanimously, places the candidate in a position of absolute pre-eminence in the comparative evaluation.

Main publications

Renzi P, Franci A, (2023), The measurement of health inequalities. An application in the regional health authority in Italy, Social Indicators Research, 1-29
Renzi P, Franci A, (2021), EGIPSS model for the evaluation of performance in healthcare in ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation – Book of short papers of the opening conference. Edited by Bertaccini B., Fabbris L., Petrucci A., pp. 167-172
Franci A, Renzi P, (2021), Social determinants of health and inequality measures, Vita e Pensiero Statistica & Applicazioni – Vol. XIX, n. 1, 2021, pp. 93-106
Franci A, Renzi P, (2021) Health inequalities and health policies: conceptual models and their applications, Maggioli Editore
Renzi P, Franci A, (2021) Frameworks and inequalities in healthcare: some applications ASA CONFERENCE 2021 Statistics and information systems for policy evaluation
Franci A, Renzi P, (2021) Social determinants of health and inequality measures, Statistics & Applications, Life and Thought – Publications of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Renzi P, Franci A, (2021) Frameworks and inequalities in healthcare: some applications in ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation – Book of short papers of the opening conference. Edited by Bertaccini B., Fabbris L., Petrucci A., pp. 115-120
Franci A, Renzi P, Gandy R. (2019) Evaluating health performance and inequalities in the Italian region of Marche, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Sep 02, 2019-Volume 25, Issue 9, Pages:293–302, Mark Allen Group company
Franci A., Renzi P. (2019) Evaluating Health Performance and Inequalities in Marche region of Italy ASA CONFERENCE 2019 Statistics for Health and Well-being
Franci A, Renzi P. (2018), Performance in health systems and unequal health, Maggioli Editore, Rimini
Gandy R, Franci A, Comparing radiotherapy patient flows in England and Italy, in British Journal of Healthcare Management 2017, vol 23 n. 11, pp 524-533
Franci A, Renzi P. (2016), Performance evaluation in social and health services: an application, in Impresa Sanità, n 15 November 2016, pp. 15-33 (II part).
Franci A, Renzi P. (2016), Performance evaluation in social and health services: an application, in Impresa Sanità, n 14 September 2016, pp. 15-33 (Part I).
A. Franci, G. Bruscaglia, Statistics and Management of Social and Health Services, Maggioli Editore, Rimini 1987.

Research interests

Statistical methods applied to the management and evaluation of social and health services.
Currently, topics of social relevance in Italy today such as health literacy and its measurement are being studied.