UNIRSM People Andrea Forni

Andrea Forni

Biographical profile

Born in Lugo on 27/11/1968
Scientific High School Diploma obtained in 1987.
Degree in Chemical Engineering (Environmental major) obtained with a grade of 98/100 on 16/03/1994 (AA 1994/95) at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Bologna.

Main publications

Co-author of the book “Risk analysis of contaminated sites and waste landfills” (Irnerio Editore, 2009).
Co-author of the book “Remediation of contaminated land – Critical observations, guidelines and regulatory proposals” prepared by the CTTC Contaminated Land Technical Committee (Il sole 24ore, 2015)
Co-author of the article “Global-altering gases: Kyoto Protocol, Emission Trading and CO2 balances of waste-to-energy plants” in the book “New manual of environmental law and management” (Maggioli Editore, 2012)

Research interests

Contaminated Site Remediation, LCA, Sustainability