Office hours
Monday from 13:00 to 14:00, Location: Headquarters
Biographical profile
Angelo Marcello Tarantino is full professor of Structural Mechanics and director of the Civil Engineering sector at the University of San Marino. Expert in elasticity theory and structural engineering, he is the author of didactic texts and 140 publications in international journals and five patents. He has carried out study and research activities in France, England, the United States, Switzerland and China. He is the scientific director of several research projects and agreements.
Main publications
1. V. Savino, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino, M. Viviani. An extended model to predict the compressive, tensile and flexural strengths of HPFRCs and UHPFRCs: Definition and experimental validation. Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 163, 2019, pp. 681-689.
2. M. Pelliciari, AM Tarantino. Equilibrium paths for Von Mises trusses in finite elasticity. Journal of Elasticity, vol. 138, 2020, pp. 145-168.
3. M. Bacciocchi, AM Tarantino. Time-dependent behavior of viscoelastic three-phase composite plates reinforced by Carbon nanotubes. Composite Structures, vol. 216, 2019, pp. 20-31.
4. FO Falope, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino. Bending device and anticlastic surface measurement of solids under large deformations and displacements. Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 97, 2019, pp. 52-56.
5. M. Bacciocchi, AM Tarantino. Natural frequency Analysis of Functionally Graded Orthotropic Cross-Ply Plates Based on the Finite Element Method. Math. Appl. Comp. MDPI, 2019, 24, 52; doi:10.3390/mca24020052.
6. L. Lanzoni. AM Tarantino. The bending of beams in finite elasticity. Journal of Elasticity, 2019, in press.
7. M. Pelliciari, B. Briseghella, F. Tondolo, L. Veneziano, C. Nuti, R. Greco, D. Lavorato, AM Tarantino. A degrading Bouc-Wen model for the hysteresis of reinforced concrete structural elements. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019, in press.
8. M. Bacciocchi, R. Luciano, C. Majorana, AM Tarantino. Free vibrations of sandwich plates with damaged soft-core and non-uniform mechanical properties: Modeling and Finite Element analysis. Materials MDPI, 2019, in press.
9. FO Falope, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino. The bending of fully nonlinear beams. Theoretical, numerical and experimental analyses. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2019.
10. M. Pelliciari, S. Sirotti, AM Tarantino. A strain energy function for large deformations of compressible elastomers. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (JMPS), 176, 2023.
11. M. Franciosi, V. Savino, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino, M. Viviani. Long-term creep behavior of new earth composite materials. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024.
12. FO Falope, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino. Large twisting of non-circular cylinders in unconstrained elasticity. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2024.
13. M. Franciosi, V. Savino, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino, M. Viviani. Structural design of Reinforced Earthcrete (ReC) Beams. Engineering Structures, 306, 2024, 117739.
14. S. Sirotti,M. Pelliciari, AM Tarantino. Effect of compressibility on the mechanics of hyperelastic membranes. International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2024,
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109441.
15. FO Falope, L. Lanzoni, AM Tarantino. Lateral buckling of the compressed edge of a beam under finite bending. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 2024.
Research interests
The entire research activity carried out can be divided into the following topics: viscoelasticity; fracture mechanics and dynamic crack propagation; bifurcation theory, nonlinear dynamics and chaos; piezoelasticity and magnetoelasticity; contact problems; equilibrium, bifurcation and stability in finite elasticity; fiber-reinforced concrete and earthquake engineering.