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Biographical profile
Born in Bologna on 01.03.1959, he obtained the degree in Nuclear Engineering on 22.02.1984 at the University of Bologna, and the PhD in Nuclear Engineering on 21.12.1989 in Rome.
He was the sole winner of the ANDIN National Prize 1984 "for the best Degree Thesis in Nuclear Engineering" - Rome, 3.12.1984 and of the E.Foà Prize 1983-84, announced by the University of Bologna and "intended for a student for worthy profit and diligence in studies with special regard to Technical Physics” – Bologna, 18.03.1986.
He was University Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Modena for the disciplinary group I05-Technical Physics, from 18.05.1996 to 25.10.2000
In service as Associate Professor of the scientific-disciplinary sector ING-IND/10 - Industrial Technical Physics, at the Enzo Ferrari Engineering Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
He was a member of the teaching staff for the Doctorates in Materials Engineering (1996-2000) and in Mechanical Engineering from 2001 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia of which he is currently the Deputy Director; he was also Deputy Director of the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
He participated as a teacher at the UIT Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica summer schools in the years 1997, 2001, 2006; 2009 and 2012 in Pontignano (SI).
He has supervised over 50 degree and DU theses and four doctoral theses.
He has produced a total of over 95 scientific papers, 4 educational publications and 8 internal reports, partly in collaboration with other authors.
He actively collaborated in 8 research programs funded by MUR, all related to heat exchange.
He participated as a teacher in various training activities financed by the Emilia Romagna Region, first in the field of workplace safety and then in the field of energy certification in buildings.
Main publications
Link for further information
- Errico O., Angeli D., Barozzi GS, Stalio E., Corticelli MA (2012). Numerical analysis of weakly turbulent mixed convection flows in a horizontal pipe. In:S.Lazzari, E. Rossi di Schio, Proceeding of 30th UIT Heat Transfer Conference. company Esculapio Publishing, Bologna: ITALY. from p.233, to p.238. Vol.unico, “30th UIT Heat Transfer Conference”, june 25-27, 2012. Bologna, -A press-
- D. Angeli, A. Pagano, MA Corticelli, A. Fichera, GS Barozzi (2012). Analysis of the bifurcating orbits on the route to chaos in confined thermal convection. Proceedings of the 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference. Christos H. Skiadas , Chania: GREECE. from p.1, to p.6. “5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference”, 12-15 June 2012, . Athens (Greece), -Electronic Resource-
- A. Libra, L. Tarozzi, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli (2011) Spectral response data for development of cool colored tile coverings OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY (ISSN: 0030-3992), 394 400 Vol 43:
- D. Angeli, A. Pagano, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2011) Routes to chaos in confined thermal convection arising from a cylindrical heat source CHAOTIC MODELING AND SIMULATION (ISSN:2241-0503), 61 68 Vol 1:
- D. Angeli, MA Corticelli, B. Niceno (2011). THREE-DIMENSIONAL TRANSITIONAL BUOYANCY-INDUCED FLOWS FROM A HORIZONTAL ISOTHERMAL CYLINDER IN A PERIODIC ENCLOSURE. Proceedings of the XXIX Heat Transfer Conference. ETS editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.3, to p.8. “XXIX UIT Heat Transfer Conference”, 20-22 June 2011. Turin,
- D. Angeli, A. Pagano, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2011). Routes to chaos in confined thermal convection arising from a cylindrical heat source. Proceedings of the The 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference. Christos H. Skiadas , Chania: GREECE. from p.1, to p.8. “The 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference”, 31 May – 3 June 2011. Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, -Electronic Resource-
- D. Angeli, A. Pagano, MA Corticelli, A. Fichera, GS Barozzi (2011) Bifurcations of Natural Convection Flows from an Enclosed Cylindrical Heat Source FRONTIERS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER (ISSN:2151-8629), 1 9 Vol 2 ( 023003):
- MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi, A. Muscio, E. Stalio, P. Tartarini (2011). “Elements of technical physics for engineering.” In: MJMoran, HN Shapiro, BR Munson, DP DeWitt, McGraw-Hill, Milan: ITALY. 755 -To print-
- D. Angeli, A. Pagano, MA Corticelli, A. Fichera, GS Barozzi (2010). Flow Transitions and Bifurcations of Buoyancy-induced Flows from an Eclosed Cylindrical Heat Source. In:M. Pilotelli, GP Beretta, UIT2010 Proceedings of the 28th UIT Heat Transfer Congress. university of Brescia, Brescia: ITALY. from p.47, to p.52. “28th UIT Heat Transfer Conference”, June 21-23, 2010. Brescia, Italy, -A press-
- P. Tartarini, MA Corticelli, PE Santangelo (2010). Experimental and numerical analysis of droplet cooling. Proceedings of the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference (IH. Avram Bar-Cohen, Washington: USA. from p.IHTC14-22217, to p.IHTC14- 22217. “International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC14)”, 8- August 13, 2010. Washington, DC, USA, -Electronic Resource-
- D. Angeli, A. Pagano, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2010). Flow Transitions and Bifurcations of Buoyancy-induced Flows from an Enclosed Cyindrical Heat Source. Proceedings of the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC14). Avram Bar-Cohen, Washington: USA. from p.IHTC14-22648, to p.6. “14th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC14)”, 8-13 August 2010. Washington, DC, USA, -Electronic Resource-
- PE Santangelo, MA Corticelli, P.Tartarini (2010). Thermal interaction between two droplets in single-phase evaporation. UIT 2010 Proceedings of the 28th UIT Heat Transfer Congress. M. Pilotelli, GP Beretta, Brescia: ITALY. from p.187, to p.192. “28th UIT Heat transfer Congress”, 21-23 june 2010. Brescia, -A press-
- P. Tartarini, MA Corticelli, L. Tarozzi (2009) Dropwise Cooling: Experimental Tests by Infrared Thermography and Numerical Simulations APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING (ISSN:1359-4311), 1391 1397 Vol 29:
- M. Cavazzuti, D. Angeli, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi. (2009). Optimization of heat exchanger enhanced surfaces under turbulent conditions. In: K. Hanjalic, Y. Nagano, and S. Jakirli?, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium. Begell House Inc., New York, Wallingford (UK): UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN. from p.1047, to p.1050. “Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 6”, 14-18 September, 2009. Rome, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, A. Libra, A. Muscio, P. Tartarini (2009) Building structures with high thermal inertia based on phase change materials INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:0392-8764), 121 126 Vol 27:
- P. Tartarini, MA Corticelli, PE Santangelo (2009). Droplet Cooling of Heated Surfaces: Experimental and Numerical Analysis. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – ICLASS 2009. “11th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – ICLASS 2009”, 26-30 July 2009. Vail, CO, USA, -Electronic Resource-
- D. Angeli, GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli (2009). A comprehensive review on buoyancy-induced flow transitions in horizontal annuli. Proceedings of the XXVII UIT national congress on heat transfer. Esculapio Publishing Company, Bologna: ITALY. from p.59, to p.64. ” XXVII UIT national congress on heat transmission”, 22-24 June 2009. Reggio Emilia, -A press-
- M. Cavazzuti; MA Corticelli (2008) Optimization of a buoyancy chimney with a heated ribbed wall HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER (ISSN:0947-7411), 421 435 Vol 44:
- M. Cavazzuti, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2008). Turbulence Models comparison in heat exchanger enhanced surfaces optimization. XXVI National Congress UIT on heat transfer. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.301, to p.306. "XXVI UIT National Congress on heat transmission", 23-25 June 2008. Palermo, -A press-
- D. Angeli, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2008). Influence of the Prandtl Number on Buoyancy-Induced Flow and Heat Transfer from an Enclosed Cylindrical Heat Source. XXVI UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.35, to p.40. “XXVI UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 23-25 June 2008. Palermo, -A press-
- MA Corticelli, PE Santangelo, P. Tartarini (2008). Dropwise cooling: a numerical simulation code and its validation by infrared thermography tests. 26th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.329, to p.334. “XXVI UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 23-25 June 2008. Palermo, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, P. Levoni (2008). The commercial codes for Computational Thermofluid Dynamics. In:G. Comini, G. Croce, E. Nobile, Foundations of computational thermo-fluid dynamics. SGEditoriali, Padua: ITALY. from p.359, to p.391. -To press-
- M. Cavazzuti, MA Corticelli (2008) Optimization of heat exchanger enhanced surfaces through multi-objective genetic algorithms NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART AAPPLICATIONS (ISSN:1040-7782), 603 624 Vol 54, 6:
- E. Caffagni; P. Levoni; M. Piraccini; A. Muscio; MA Corticelli; GS Barozzi (2007) Thermographic analysis of flow distribution in compact heat exchangers for a Formula 1 car INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:1350-4495), 321 326 Vol 49:
- M. Cavazzuti, F. Pinto, MA Corticelli, E. Nobile (2007). Radiation heat transfer effect on natural convection in asymmetrically heated vertical channels. XXV UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, pisa: ITALY. from p.477, to p.482. “XXV UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 18-20 June 2007. Trieste, -A press-
- P. Levoni, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2007). IACC Drift Appendix: Turbulent Numerical Solution. XXV UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.573, to p.578. “XXV UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 18-20 June 2007. Trieste, -A press-
- L. Tarozzi, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2007). Search for mines using infrared thermography: analysis of the influence of humidity superficial . In:-, Proceedings of the XXV National Congress on Heat Transfer. Editions ETS, PISA: ITALY. from p.265, to p.270. Vol.-, “XXV National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 18-20 June 2007. Trieste (Italy), -A press-
- L. Tarozzi, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli (2007) Scale reduction in modeling landmine detection by IR Termography QUANTITATIVE INFRA RED THERMOGRAPHY JOURNAL (ISSN: 1768-6733), 141 154 Vol 4 N.2:
- L. Tarozzi, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli (2007). Solar reflecting tile coverings for traditional South-European Buildings. In: CM Joppolo, Proc. Climamed 2007. AICARR, Milan: ITALY. from p.339, to p.354. “Climamed 2007 – Energy, Climate and Indoor Comfort in Mediterranean Countries”, 5-7 September 2007. Genoa, -A press-
- P. Tartarini, MA Corticelli, L. Tarozzi (2007). Dropwise Cooling: Experimental Tests by Infrared Thermography and Numerical Simulations. CD-ROM: 10th UK National Heat Transfer Conference. Khellil Sefiane and Peter Kew, Edinburgh: UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN. from p.Session 5, to p.Paper 7. “10th UK National Heat Transfer Conference”, 10-11 September 2007. Edinburgh, UK, -Electronic Resource-
- A. Muscio; L. Tarozzi; MA Corticelli (2006). Experiments on scale reduction in infrared landmine detection. In:-, Proc. QIRT 2006 – 8th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography. CNR-ITC Padua Section, Padua: ITALY. from p.162, to p.165. Vol.-, “QIRT 2006 – 8th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography”, 28-30 June 2006. Padova (Italy), -A press-
- MA Corticelli, D. Angeli, D. Ambrosini, D. Paoletti, A. Ponticiello (2006). Numerical and experimental study of natural convection from horizontal cylinders with low Rayleigh number. XXIV ITU National Congress on Heat Transfer. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.153, to p.158. “XXIV UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 21-23 June 2006. Naples, -A press-
- M. Cavazzuti, MA Corticelli, E. Nobile, G. Tanda (2006). Optimization of a natural convection vertical channel with a heated ribbed wall. XXIV ITU National Congress on Heat Transfer. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.499, to p.504. “XXIV UIT National Congress on Heat Transfer”, 21-23 June. Naples, -A press-
- A. Muscio, L. Tarozzi, MA Corticelli (2006). Experiments on scale reduction in infrared landmine detection. Proc. QIRT 2006 – 8th Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography. CNR-ITC Padua Section, Padua: ITALY. from p.-, to p.-. Vol.CD-ROM, “QIRT 2006 – 8th Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography”, 28-30 June 2006. Padua (Italy), -Electronic Resource-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, A. Muscio, P. Tartarini (2005). Cool roofs, an innovative solution for energy saving in buildings. In:E. Lorenzini, C. Biserni, Proceedings National conference on energy policy in Italy. university of Bologna, Bologna: ITALY. from p.-, to p.-. Vol.CD-ROM, “National conference on energy policy in Italy”, 18-19 April 2005. Bologna, -Electronic Resource-
- D. Angeli, P. Levoni, MA Corticelli (2005). Numerical analysis of the unsteady convective flow originating from a thermal source in a cavity closed. In: C. Augenti, F.Bozzoli, S. Rainieri, XXIII UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.39, to p.46. “XXIII UIT National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 20-22 June 2005. Parma, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, A. Muscio, L. Tarozzi, P. Tartarini (2005). Radiative properties of Surfaces and energy saving in buildings: the cool roofs. In:E. Campagnoli, P. Coppa, Proceedings XI AIPT CONFERENCE. EST, Turin: ITALY. from p.33, to p.50. Vol.-, “XI AIPT CONVENTION – Italian Property Association? Thermophysics”, 23 September 2005. Modena, -A press-
- E. Caffagni, P. Levoni, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi, M. Piraccini (2005). Thermographic analysis of flow distribution in compact heat exchangers for a Formula 1 car. In:-, AITA 8 Abstract Book. university of Rome “La Sapienza” / “Giorgio Ronchi” Foundation, Rome / Pisa: ITALY. from p.21, to p.24. Vol.-, “AITA 8 – Advanced Infrared Technology and applications”, 7-9 September 2005. Rome, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, C. Bussi, MA Corticelli (2004) A fast Cartesian scheme for unsteady heat diffusion on irregular domains NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS (ISSN:1040-7790), 59 77 Vol 46:
- P. Levoni, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2004). Boundary layer transition modeling with RANS turbulence models. In:F. Devia, A. Priarone, Proceedings of the XXII National Congress on heat transmission. Studio 64 Srl editions, Genoa: ITALY. from p.381, to p.386. "XXII National Congress on heat transfer", 21-23/07/2004. Genoa, -A press-
- C. Bussi, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2004). Influence of convection and radiation in the measurement of diffusivity? temperature using a new variant of Angstroem's method. In:F. Devia, A. Priarone, Proceedings of the XXII National Congress on Heat Transmission. Studio 64 srl Editions, Genoa: ITALY. from p.335, to p.340. “XXII National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 21-23 June 2004. Genoa, -A press-
- M. Piraccini, A. Muscio, MA Corticelli (2004). Thermographic analysis of maldistributions in a heat exchanger for Formula 1 cars. In:F. Devia, A. Priarone, Proceedings of the XXII National Congress on Heat Transmission. Studio 64 srl Editions, Genoa: ITALY. from p.145, to p.150. “XXII National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 21-23 June 2004. Genoa, -A press-
- P. Levoni; A. Muscio; MA Corticelli; GS Barozzi (2004). CFD analyzes on the impact of convection in a new modification of the ?ngstroem's method. In:E. Campagnoli, P. Coppa, Proceedings X AIPT Conference - Italian Association of Owners? Thermophysics. POLITEKO Turin: ITALY. from p.29, to p.44. “X AIPT Conference – Italian Property Association? Thermophysics”, 24 September 2004. Turin, -A press-
- C. Bussi, MA Corticelli, A. Muscio (2004). Analysis of the impact of surface heat transfer on a new modification of the Angstroem's method. Proc. QIRT 2004 – 7th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography. Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Gen?se (Bruxelles), Belgium: BELGIUM. from pG5.1 to pG5.6. “QIRT 2004 – 7th International Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography”, 5-7 June 2004. Rhode-St-Gen?se (Bruxelles), Belgium, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, F. Inzoli (2004). The Commercial Codes. In:G. Comini, Fundamentals of Computational Thermofluid Dynamics. SGEditoriali, PADUA: ITALY. from p. 333, at p.354. -To press-
- GS Barozzi, C. Bussi, MA Corticelli (2004). A Numerical Investigation on Convective Accelerometer. proceedings. Technology Transfer Management Ltd, Alcester, Warwickshire: UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN. from p.nd, to p.nd. “4rd European Thermal Science Conference 2004”, 26-31 March. Birmingham, UK, -Electronic Resource-
- A. Muscio; MA Corticelli (2004) Land-mine detection by infrared thermography: reduction of the size and duration of the experiments IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING (ISSN:0196-2892), 1955 1964 Vol 42:
- A. Muscio; MA Corticelli (2004) Experiments of thermographic landmine detection with reduced size and compressed time INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:1350- 4495), 101 107 Vol 46:
- MA Corticelli, A. Muscio, P. Tartarini (2003). CFD analysis of the flow and temperature fields of the air in a cathedral. Proceedings of the 58th ATI Annual Congress. SGE, Padua: ITALY. from p.2017, to p.2026. Vol.III, "58th ATI Annual Congress - Italian Thermotechnical Association", 9-12 September 2003. Padua/San Martino di Castrozza, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, C. Bussi, MA Corticelli (2003). Simulation of natural convection motions inside a cavity confined space containing a thermal source. In:G. Cortella, G Croce, Proceedings of the XXI National Congress on Heat Transfer. SGE editorials, Padua: ITALY. from p.315, to p.320. "XXI National Congress on Heat Transmission", 23-25 June 2003. Udine, -A press-
- A. Muscio, MA Corticelli (2003). Mine detection by infrared thermography: reduction of size of the experiments. In:-, AITA 7 Abstract Book. “Giorgio Ronchi” Foundation, Pisa: ITALY. from p.-, to p.-. Vol.1, “AITA 7 – Advanced Infrared Technology and applications”, 9-11 September 2003. Pisa, -Electronic Resource-
- L. Tarozzi; A. Muscio; MA Corticelli (2003). Searching for mines using infrared thermography: reducing the scale of experiments. In:G. Corella, G. Croce, Proceedings of the XXI National Congress on Heat Transmission. SGE – Editorial Graphic Services, Padua: ITALY. from p.51, to p.58. “XXI National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 23-25 June 2003. Udine, Italy, -A press-
- P. Levoni, MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (2003). Critical observations on the use of RANS turbulence models and related boundary conditions in external hydrodynamics applications. Proceedings of the 21st UIT National Congress. SGE – Editorial Graphic Services, Padua: ITALY. from p.365, to p.320. “21st UIT National Congress”, 23-25/6/2003. Udine, -A press-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, D. Manicardi (2002). Comparison between Turbulence Models in the Numerical Study of Head Loss due to a
Restriction in a Duct. In:E. Nino, G.Ruocco, Proceedings of the 20th UIT National Congress, ETS editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.279, to p.284. “20th UIT National Congress”, 27-29/6/2002. Maratea (PZ), -A press- - G. Severi; A. Muscio; MA Corticelli (2002). Characterization of the operation of devices for forced ventilation using infrared thermography. In:E. Nino, G. Ruocco, Proceedings of the XX National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.419, to p.424. “XX National Congress on Heat Transmission”, 27-29 June 2002. Maratea, Italy, -A press-
- Barozzi GS, Corticelli MA, Manicardi D. (2001). Comparison of Turbulence Models in the Numerical Study of the Interaction of Free Jets. In P. Tartarini, Proceedings of the XIX National Congress on heat transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.325, to p.330. "XIX National Congress on heat transmission", 25-27 June 01. Modena, -A press-
- Corticelli MA, G. Barozzi, Cremaschi L. (2001). Numerical simulation of natural convection in cavities containing heating cylinders at rest or in rotation. ACTS 19th UIT National Congress. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.319, to p.325. “19th UIT National Congress”, 25-27 June. Modena, -A press-
- Barozzi GS, Corticelli MA (2000). Effect of Thermal Boundary Conditions in the Numerical Prediction of Buoyant Flows in a Cavity Containing an Internal Heat Source. In: A.Niro, G.Dubini, F.Inzoli, Proceedings of the XVIII National Congress on heat transfer. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.297, to p.308. Vol.I, "XVIII National Congress on heat transmission", 28-30 June 2000. Cernobbio (CO), -A press-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, S. Fantoni (2000). Comparison between turbulence models in the numerical study of submerged jets. PROCEEDINGS of Congress. Faculty of engineering Bari,Bari: ITALY. from p.nd, to p.nd. “55th ATI2000 National Congress”, 15-20 September 2000. Bari-Matera, -Electronic Resource-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli (2000) Natural convection in cavities containing internal sources HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER (ISSN:0947-7411), 473 480 Vol 36:
- A. Muscio; MA Corticelli; P. Tartarini (2000). Theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation of a one-side measurement technique for thermal diffusivity. In:RBDinwiddie, DH LeMieux, Thermosense XXII – Proc. SPIE Vol. 4020. SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Washington, DC (USA): UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. from p. 143, at p.151. “Thermosense XXII”, 25-27 April 2000. Orlando (Florida), USA, -A
press- - GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli (2000). Numerical Study of Time-dependent Buoyancyinduced Cavity Flows. In: EWP Hahne, W. Heidemann, K. Spindler, 3rd European Thermal Science Conference 2000. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.387, to p.392. Vol.I, “3rd European Thermal Science Conference 2000”, 10-13 September 2000. Heildelberg (D), -A press-
- MA Corticelli, GS Barozzi (1999). Numerical Simulation of Time-Dependent Buoyant Flows in a Cavity Containing an Internal Heat Source. Proc. 6th UK National Conference on Heat TransferT. professional engineering publishing limited for IMECHE, London: UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN. from p.69, to p.76. Vol.C565, “6th UK National Conference on Heat Transfer”, 15-16/9/1999. Edindurgo (UK), -A press-
- GS Barozzi; MA Corticelli; E. Nobile (1999) Numerical simulation of time-dependent buoyant flows in an enclosed vertical channel HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER (ISSN:0947- 7411), 89 99 Vol 35 (2):
- MA Corticelli; A. Muscio; P. Tartarini (1999). Thermographic investigation of water droplet boiling on hot ceramic surfaces. In:E. Grinzato, PG Bison, A. Mazzoldi, Proc. 5th AITA – Int. Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications. CLEUP, Padua: ITALY. from p.243, to p.252. “5th AITA – Int. Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications”, 29-30 September 1999. Venice, Italy, -A press-
- GS Barozzi; MA Corticelli; A. Muscio; P. Tartarini (1999). Photographic investigation of water droplet impingement and boiling on hot surfaces. In: GL Morini, S. Piva, Proceedings of the XVII National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p. 127, at p.138. Vol.I, "XVII National Congress on Heat Transmission", 30 June-2 July 1999. Ferrara, -A press-
- GS Barozzi.; MA Corticelli; A. Muscio; P. Tartarini (1999). Numerical investigation of a one-side measurement technique for thermal diffusivity. In: GL Morini, S. Piva, Proceedings of the XVII National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p. 421, at p.434. Vol.I, "XVII National Congress on Heat Transmission", 30 June-2 July 1999. ferrara, -A press-
- P. Tartarini, MA Corticelli (1999). Investigation of Dropwise Cooling Due to Impingiment and Boiling on Hot, non Porous, Low-Conductivity Surfaces -. -Electronic Resource-
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, TR Maciver, P. Tartarini (1999) Water Droplet Boiling on Hot, Non-Porous Ceramic Surfaces INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:0392-8764), 13 20 Vol 17 (1):
- GS Barozzi, MA Corticelli, TR MacIver, P. Tartarini (1998). Water droplet boiling on hot, non-porous, ceramic surfaces. In: C. Bartoli, Proceedings of the XVI National Congress on Heat Transmission. ETS Editions, Pisa: ITALY. from p.191, to p.202. Vol.I, "XVI National Congress on Heat Transmission", 18-19 June 1998. Siena, -A press-
- A. Muscio; MA Corticelli; GS Barozzi (1997). Thermal modeling of the exhaust device of ac motors. 52nd National Congress ATI – Italian Thermotechnical Association. SGEditoriali, Padua: ITALY. from p.1191, to p.1202. Vol.II, "52nd ATI National Congress", 22-26 September 1997. Cernobbio (CO), -A press-
- G. Cambi, G. Cavallone, M. Costa, MA Corticelli, DG Cepraga, S. Ciattaglia, R. Passalacqua, S. Paci (1993) Environmental Source Terms During a Few Reference Accidents Sequences (RAS) of NET/ITER Plant JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY (ISSN:0164- 0313), 139 143 Vol 12, Nos 1-2:
- M. Spiga, MA Corticelli, M. Trentin (1991) Exact solution to the conjugate problem of nonuniform cooling of fuel rods INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW (ISSN:0142-727X), 179 183 Vol 12 n.2:
- G. Martinelli, S. Baroncini, E. Bernardi, V. Cagnetti, MA Corticelli, S. Faenza, G. Frascaroli, F. Petrini, E. Piancastelli, M. Zanello, A. Zanoni (1991) The perfusion of the splanchnic system under anesthesia MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA (ISSN:0375-9393), 1129 1134 Vol 57 n 11:
- E. Lorenzini, F. Norelli, CM Orlandelli, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli, P. Tartarini (1990) An Improved Version of the Bacchus Code for the Analysis of Fuel Bundles INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:0392-8764) , 175 188 Vol 8 (1-2):
- E. Lorenzini, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli (1990) The reverse network in urban district heating ALTERNATIVE ENERGIES. HTE (ISSN:0391-5360), 105 115 Vol 12 n 64:
- E. Lorenzini, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli, M.Trentin (1990) Cladding Temperature at channel blockages in nuclear reactors KERNTECHNIK (ISSN:0932-3902), 27 30 Vol 55 No 1:
- E. Lorenzini, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli (1989) Numerical Transient Analysis of Parallel and Counter Flow Heat Exchangers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:0392-8764), 26 35 Vol 7 n.2:
- E. Lorenzini, M.Spiga, MA Corticelli (1988) An Approach To the Prediction of Cladding Azimuthal Temperature in a Light Water Reactor Four-Cusp Channel NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ISSN:0029-5639), 16 20 Vol 100 Number 1:
- E. Lorenzini, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli (1987) Thermal analysis of the heat exchanger for a spent nuclear fuel storage pool ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY (ISSN:0306-4549), 499 503 Vol 14 issue 9:
- E. Lorenzini, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli (1986) LMFBR fuel rod response in natural 19/07/12 16.17 Page 8 of 9
convection heat decay removal INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:0392-8764), 58 68 Vol 4 n.2: - E. Lorenzini, M. Spiga, MA Corticelli (1985) Accident analysis in LMFBR fuel rods by the FENHT code ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY (ISSN:0306-4549), 91 95 Vol 12 issue 2:
- E. Lorenzini, M.Spiga, MACorticelli (1985) Validation of the NASGE ThermoHydraulic Code by the PGV Experimental Results INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN:0392-8764), 82 95 Vol 3 N.1:
Research interests
The research activity has mainly focused on issues related to heat exchange processes through both numerical and experimental approaches:
More specifically, the problems Prof. Corticelli has dealt with are:
- Computational thermofluid dynamics
- Natural Convection in Cavities
- Vaporization/boiling of liquid drops and sprays deposited on surfaces
- Evaluation of thermodynamic properties with non-destructive methods
- Recognition of landmines using infrared thermography
- Infrared thermovision
- Heat Exchangers
- Heat exchange in equipment for the ceramic industry
- Heat exchange in nuclear components
- District heating networks
- Risk analysis
- Noise pollution