Biographical profile
Born in San Marino on October 3, 1990, in 2012 he obtained the Bachelor's Degree with Honors in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna, discussing a thesis in Structural Science entitled "Static analysis of the roof slab of the Church of Torraccia". In 2014 he obtained the Master's Degree with Honors in Civil Engineering (Structural curriculum), at the University of Bologna, discussing a thesis in Structural Dynamics entitled "Higher Order Theories for Double Curvature Structures in Anisotropic Material".
Main publications
The complete list of publications (journal articles, conference proceedings, books, theses) can be found at the following link: https://sites.google.com/view/mbacciocchi-publications/home-page
Research interests
The research activity is mainly focused on the numerical analysis of structures (beams and plates), through the development of techniques based on the finite element method (FEM). The analyses are extended to innovative composite materials. The main topics are summarized below: Structural mechanics (plate theory, beam theory); Computational mechanics (Finite Element Method); Viscoelasticity; Nonlocal elasticity; Innovative materials (laminated composite materials, Carbon nanotubes, multiphase composites).