Level II Master enrollment

REGISTRATIONS OPEN until 4 October 2024


Total fee for enrollment in the entire Master € 2.500,00, divided into two installments:

  • 1st installment of €1.600,00
  • 2st installment of €900,00

All the info on the student secretariat page.

The attendance of the Master is also allowed to HEARERS, who do not have the qualifications to access the Master but have certified experience in the sector: to register, follow the instructions on the student secretariat page. AUDITORS will be issued a certificate of attendance of the Master's lessons.

NB: It is possible to register for individual teaching activities - individual modules and/or seminar activities - through the online desk https://esse4web.unirsm.sm/

The registration fee for individual modules amounts to €150,00/module.

Subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on the opening of registrations: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER

Enrollment in Specialization Course

REGISTRATIONS OPEN until 4 October 2024


Total fee for enrollment in the entire course € 1.000,00, divided into two installments:

  • 1st installment of €600,00
  • 2st installment of €400,00

All the info on the student secretariat page.

Attendance of the course is also permitted HEARERS, who do not have the qualifications to access the course but have certified experience in the sector: to register, follow the instructions on the student secretariat page. AUDITORS will be issued a certificate of attendance of the Course lessons.

NB: It is possible to register for individual teaching activities - individual modules and/or seminar activities - through the online desk https://esse4web.unirsm.sm/

The registration fee for individual modules amounts to €150,00/module.

Subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on the opening of registrations: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER

Transition from Course to Master

It is possible to request the transition from the Specialization Course to the Level II Master - if in possession of the necessary qualifications.

The secretariat will subsequently communicate the methods for regularizing the registration in order to allow the payment of the second remodulated installment by 31/05/2024.


For those enrolled in the UNIRSM Master in Management Practices in Public Administration in the academic years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025, it will be possible to enroll in one of the following Higher Education Courses (CAF) taking advantage of a discount on the registration fee: