Do research at UNIRSM

On this page you can find all the information on the opportunities to participate in research activities.

Research grants

Research grants are awarded to young scholars for carrying out a research programme, or a phase thereof, with the aim of promoting the training and development of specific professional skills.

Professional assignments and consultancy

Occasional assignments and self-employment contracts in favor of experts with a particular and proven university specialization, in the event that there are no human resources available among those of the Administration.

  •  Call for teaching collaborators

Competitions for researchers

Benchmarking procedures for the transfer and recruitment of teaching and research staff.

  •  Procedures for calling XNUMXst and XNUMXnd level professors
  •  Calls for fixed-term researchers
  •  Transfer for permanent researchers

Research doctorates (PhD)

The research doctorate is the highest level of education foreseen in the academic system and is aimed at acquiring the skills necessary to carry out highly qualified research activities at universities, public bodies and private entities.