Research projects


Contemporary Migration. Multimedia Diaries of Migrant Memories Project DIMMI

The Emigration Research Center participates in the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Committee of the Diari Multimediali Migranti DIMMI project, which collects testimonies of contemporary migrants. The texts constitute the source of research activity on various aspects of the contemporary migratory experience (motivations, expectations, life projects, travel, reception in the country of arrival, integration, work, family and friendship relationships, etc.)


History of Solidarity. Righteous Women and Men of Humanity

The research is aimed at designing and implementing training courses for teachers and educational projects related to Citizenship Education. Currently the research activity is related to Fernanda Wittgens. For the definition of the Righteous of Humanity see Written Declaration of the European Parliament 10 May 2012 Support for the establishment of a European Day of the Righteous of Humanity, Law 20 December 2017 n.212 Establishment of the Day in Memory of the Righteous of Humanity (Italy); Regency Decree 22 March 2023 n.54 Day of the Righteous of Humanity (RSM).

01.04.2022 → 30.04.2023

Governance of Big Data and Legal Aspects

In this context, the research has laid the foundation to stimulate an in-depth discussion on crucial issues such as governance, law, ethics and computer science, exploring the complex relationship between technology and law.

01.04.2022 → 30.04.2023

Mastering Civil Defense in Conflict

The findings and lessons learned from this research reflect the incredibly intricate web of challenges faced by civilian first responders during times of conflict. Through in-depth investigation, methodologies and techniques aimed at protecting first responders from the inevitable risks associated with their work in hostile environments were explored.


Evacuation of Italian refugees in San Marino during the Second World War

The research continues the reconstruction of the evacuation of Italian refugees to San Marino during the Second World War and in particular in the period 1943 – 1945, following the bombings of the provinces of Bologna, Forlì and Pesaro and in particular of the cities of Rimini and Pesaro.


Presence of racially persecuted people in the Republic of San Marino. Period 1942-1945

The research aims to reconstruct, starting from the studies already carried out by the Emigration Research Centre and the existing bibliography, the presence of racially persecuted people in San Marino in the period 1942-1945. The starting year chosen is 1942, the year in which the Law containing provisions on matrimonial matters and in defence of the race was enacted 17 September 1942 n.33

01.11.2022 → 30.11.2023

Civil Protection in Military Context

The research conducted has allowed an important step forward in understanding and addressing the challenges faced laid down by the Protection Civil inside of di contexts militar operational.
The objective main è state analyze le difficulties meet in a protect le follow human e le infrastructure critical during le hostility, focusing above all on the attack areas civilians and infrastructure fundamental.


Sammarinese child emigration in the period 1923-1940

The research is aimed at reconstructing the migratory experience of minors and is based on the analysis of the archival sources preserved in the Historical Archive of the Research Centre on Emigration


History of Sammarinese emigration

The permanent research activity includes topics related to the theme of Sammarinese emigration: travel, work, social context, critical issues and potential of integration, female condition. The activity also includes family research requested by descendants of emigrants


Collection of Sammarinese jurisprudence, reasoned, indexed, summarized and commented

The Sammarinese jurisprudence portal collects the Sammarinese civil, criminal, administrative and tax jurisprudence from 1911 to today with notes on sentences and comments

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2023

Planning and managing the value of the PA: training courses for employees

The transition to a managerial PA is possible thanks to the planning and definition of objectives and the adequate training of personnel from a managerial perspective.


The Sammarinese labour reform

Project for the comprehensive reform of the Sammarinese labour legislation and the definition of a consolidated text on labour matters.

In collaboration with the Secretariat of State for Labour, which is also the funding body, the research is organised in progressive steps: from the analysis of the San Marino and international system, to the study of the key principles of the reform and then to the drafting of the regulatory text. The research is still ongoing

Machiavelli in the Time of the Cold War

The research aims to investigate some aspects of the “cultural cold war”, in relation to the image of Machiavelli in the post-war context.


Republic of San Marino and the Holy See: towards the Centenary of Diplomatic Relations (1926-2026) by Michelangelo De Donà

The research aims to reconstruct and deepen the diplomatic relations between the Republic of San Marino and the Holy See, formalized in 1926


State Medievalism The Republic of San Marino and the medievalist narrative from the 18th century to today

Anna Guerra's research to deepen and aggregate knowledge regarding the use of medievalist narrative aimed at building the institutional and cultural identity of the Republic of San Marino


The special situation of the external relations of the Republic of San Marino between history and geography

Investigation, from a historical point of view, into the “special situation” of the Republic of San Marino, in consideration of its external relations

Sammarinese political archives: Census, digitization, fruition

Analysis on the condition of political archives in San Marino which has led to the publication of the volume: Luca Gorgolini and Stefano Vitali, Politics in San Marino. Guide to the archives of political parties and personalities, 2023 in the CSSS Tools and Documents Collection

01.06.2022 → 31.12.2023

An identity war. The reception of the Greco-Roman past in Italian colonialism

Doctoral Thesis 2022: An Identity War. The Reception of the Greco-Roman Past in Italian Colonialism

01.04.2022 → 31.12.2024

Friendship and Erudition: The Scientific Correspondence between Bartolomeo Borghesi and Luigi Nardi. Selected Letters

The correspondence thus makes it possible to understand the preliminary stages of the formation of the innovative working method that made Borghesi famous.
Doctoral Thesis 2022: The epistolary correspondence between Bartolomeo Borghesi and Luigi Nardi (1801-1837)


The San Marino Vocational Training Centre and the placement of students in the job market

The problematic nature of the insertion into the job market of students who leave the Professional Training Centre with medium fragility identities and skills

Digital Storytelling and Virality in Commercial Communication

Monitoring and analysis of audiovisual products and other digital multimedia content dedicated to micro-stories in the field of commercial and corporate communication, both Italian and international

Learning to read and write during the COVID-19 outbreak

Developing an early identification intervention for learning difficulties: Building tools for teachers


The Educational Dimension of Theatre Practice: Between History, Project and Community

The evolution of the theatrical experience in the context of the Republic, with particular reference to the experiences conducted in schools and with the need to build a perspective for the future

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2024


In collaboration with Reding University (UK) and ISS, after six years of work, it has produced the first drug to combat the symptoms of the disease, also calibrating a new tool for its early diagnosis.

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2023

Between restorative justice and alternative punishments: San Marino, the first state in the world without prison

In collaboration with the Secretariat of State for Justice, research on detention systems in the Republic of San Marino produced the first study on a new prison model in our State. The criminology sector has a long tradition in the study of the phenomenon which is an integral part of the curriculum of its courses.

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2023

Nomadic Community Lab – Host Guest

Participation in the event “International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia” with the aim of experimenting with new forms of networking between heterogeneous communities, geographically and temporally distant, the project focuses its action within a specific space in which the tools that the different design disciplines offer will converge.

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2024

Regenerative Design for Micro-Territories and Fortified Cities

The research project aims to experiment and apply the tools that different design disciplines offer for the valorization of the material and immaterial cultural heritage of micro-territories, small urban centers and fortified cities.

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2022

Conceptual models of health, its determinants and the measurement of inequalities

The research project aims to determine the purpose of monitoring for a particular health problem, including some appropriate indicators and criteria for dividing the population into groups (the size of inequalities).

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2022

RESPONSE – Successful Startups: The Impact of Open Innovation and Sustainability Practices

The research project has as its fundamental theme the study of the relationship between Open Innovation practices (intended as the set of actors, organizational, managerial and technological tools that characterize open innovation models) and sustainability, and the success of startups.

01.01.2023 → 31.12.2023

Hosting without barriers | CINI Foundation

Design of analog and/or digital devices for multisensory enjoyment between individual and landscape, for users with different visual or hearing abilities.

01.01.2023 → 31.12.2024

BARTOLO: the walking chair

The project on the development of a co-creation process and intends to propose experimental approaches, methodologies, strategies and environmental, social and economic processes for the creation of relational furniture systems in temporary outdoor places of use.

01.01.2020 → 31.12.2025

EXPO | Dubai 2020 – Osaka 2025

Development of the concept and preliminary design of the interior of the pavilion and in particular, the general concept and mood of the space, the zooning of the functions and activities, the layout of the space at the various levels, the sections, the indications on the colours, the materials of the set-up and the general image of the interior.

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2022

MEET – MulIfaceted Experiences for Enhancing Territories

Creation of an exhibition path dedicated to the valorization and promotion of peculiarities of the local material and immaterial cultural heritage through a collaborative project format.

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2022

Design for the enhancement of material and immaterial cultural heritage through co-design processes of experiences and visit itineraries.

The scope of the research is the valorization of cultural heritage through the conception and experimentation of co-design processes of experiences and visit itineraries.

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2024

REPLANET: A cooperative game about climate change

Testing, validation and evolution of a cooperative board game on climate change.

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2022

Facilitated corporate training Industry 4.0

Research and application of composite materials and innovative modeling techniques

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2021

Ecological Islands

Design of small ecological zones in the Historic Center that allow greater flexibility in waste disposal by citizens and easy collection by AASS operators


Multimedia archive of Sammarinese memories

Reconstruction of a collective memory of San Marino through the collection of multimedia documentation, in collaboration with the citizens

01.01.2021 → 31.10.2022

Redefinition of TPL transport service

Research project for the redefinition of the public transport service in the Republic of San Marino.

01.01.2020 → 31.12.2021

Bus shelters

Research and development program finalized to the drafting of the lines guide e definition of the characters typological of the new structures of the stops of Sammarinese buses.


The dynamic assessment of phonological programming skills

Construction of a new test to evaluate phonological programming, i.e. the ability to produce complex and low-frequency words

Removal of architectural barriers

The research project represents the response to the provisions of the Secretariat of State for Territory and Environment for the implementation of the census of architectural barriers in properties owned by the Most Excellent Chamber.

01.01.2018 → 31.12.2018

Water resources Republic of San Marino

The research project focuses on the sustainable use of water resources and hydraulic safety in the Republic of San Marino.

01.01.2023 → 31.12.2023

The introduction of multilingualism in the Sammarinese school system

Evaluation of the results obtained with the introduction of the teaching aimed at providing the tools to establish its possible definitive inclusion, with or without modifications, in the school system

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2024

Experimenting with the teaching of ethics, culture and society

Analysis of the results obtained from the first experimentation of teaching to produce the elements of knowledge necessary to confirm or modify the regulations in this field

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2023

The support teacher in the Sammarinese school reality

Longitudinal study that allows for the evaluation of inclusive policies in their impact over time and allows for a possible modification based on a specific analysis of the results obtained

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2024

Sports practice among young men and women from San Marino

Empirical analysis of overall youth sports participation that highlights strengths and weaknesses

01.01.2017 → 31.12.2022

Road maintenance and paving

Project on the modernization andsustainability of the infrastructure road di San Marine through application di specifications eco-sustainable.

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2024

Foreign women in San Marino

Analysis of the condition of foreign women residing in RSM: need to highlight the dimensions of the phenomenon and to provide adequate integration and support services

01.01.2015 → 31.12.2022

Scheduling of interventions and road paving

Research activity related to the application of eco-sustainable and high-performance techniques for the implementation of road pavement maintenance works.


Adolescents and Social Networks: Analysis on the well-being of adolescents in San Marino

Youth and school: the state of risk and protection factors in the school population of middle school and in the two-year period of high school in San Marino

01.01.2021 → 31.12.2021

Reuse of demolition materials and excavated earth

The project consists of an interdisciplinary study involving three main Research Units focused respectively on specific skills in the sectors of road infrastructure, geotechnics and building science.

01.01.2022 → 31.12.2022

General principles of assessment and characterization of excavated soil and rocks

The project analyses demolition materials for an economically and environmentally sustainable reuse in the structures and infrastructures of the San Marino territory.