Starting from the a.y. 2022/2023 the management of apprenticeships curricula of the degree courses will be managed through the platform They3.
The student secretariat has prepared tutorials to guide the COMPANY, the STUDENT and the ACADEMIC TUTOR in the various steps, which you will find published below.
For any needs or requests for clarification on the Esse3 procedure, the reference is
Host company procedure
The first step (from page 1 to page 4 of the tutorial) involves the creation of an account e the activation of the company registry on online counter of Esse3.
If a three-year agreement between the University and the host company is already in force, it will not be necessary to request the activation of a new agreement. Once the company registry has been created, the Student Secretariat will upload the data of the agreement already active from the back office.
In case of need for a new agreement (which will, in fact, last for three years), the procedure to follow is the one indicated on pages 5 to 6 of the tutorial.
Once the company registry has been created and the agreement between the University and the host company established, it will be possible to request the start of an internship with a well-known student, with whom the characteristics of the internship have been preliminarily agreed (from page 7 to page 8 of the tutorial), in collaboration with the didactic tutor. NB. The student must be contacted on Esse3 using his matriculation number.
The company's request must then be validated by the student, the academic tutor and finally by the Student Secretariat, which will give the definitive start to the internship once the approval of all the parties involved is obtained.
At this point the traffic light referring to the training project will turn green, and the possibility of completing the internship attendance register will be unlocked.
The attendance register can be filled in both by the company and by the student (from page 9 to page 10 of the tutorial).
However, the final validation is the responsibility of the company tutor.
At the end of the internship, the company will have to fill in the final questionnaire and will have the right to make it visible or not to the student (page 11 of the tutorial).
Student procedure
First of all, the characteristics of the internship must be agreed with the host company and the educational tutor of the respective degree course.
Once the student has received the automatic e-mail notifying him of the publication of a training project proposal that concerns him, he will have to log in to his online desk and follow the procedure for approving the same and sending the request for credits, to be recognized at the end of the internship (pages 1 and 2 of the tutorial).
The attendance register can be compiled both by the company and by the student.
However, the final validation is the responsibility of the company tutor.
At the end of the internship, the student will have to fill in the final questionnaire and will have the right to make it visible or not to the company (page 3 of the tutorial).
Didactic tutor procedure
The teaching tutor must first agree on the characteristics of the internship with the student and the host company.
When the Student Secretariat associates the teaching tutor with a training project proposal, the tutor will receive a notification via email and will be able to access it by logging into their own Esse3 teacher desk.
After verifying the correctness of the data contained in the training project draft, it will be necessary to select the teaching activity to be recognized at the end of the internship, save and confirm the start of the internship (pages 1 and 2 of the tutorial).
When the company tutor completes the final questionnaire, the educational tutor will receive a notification.
It will also be possible to view them from the Esse3 teacher desk, in order to then proceed with the assignment of credits (page 3 of the tutorial).