StudentsEnrollPre-registrationsPre-registration PhD in Economics and Management Engineering – VII cycle

Pre-registration PhD in Economics and Management Engineering – VII cycle

From 31 August and until 12:00 on 13 October 2023 it will be possible to pre-enroll for the PhD in Economic-Management Engineering - VII cycle through the online desk (3 places available).

On the page of online counter (esse3):

  • register by entering the requested personal data;
  • write down the username and password assigned by the system;
  • login;
  • Click secretariat | admission test to register for the PhD test in Economic-Management Engineering, by entering the requested data. During the pre-registration procedure you will be asked mandatorily the upload of at least the following documents:
    - identity document valid front/back;
    - curriculum vitae and studiorum (a specific format is not required but the European format is preferred) dated and signed, with the following footnote: "this curriculum does not contain sensitive data pursuant to Law 21/12/18 n. 171”;
    - degree certificate or another qualification obtained abroad recognized as suitable, showing the final mark, the exams taken, the indication of the credits acquired and the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD). The foreign certificate must be translated and legalized at the relevant Italian consular office. Self-certifications are not allowed;
    - certificate with the list of exams taken (for students graduating by 31/12/2023), indicating the marks, credits acquired and Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD). The foreign certificate must be translated and legalized at the relevant Italian consular office. Self-certifications are not allowed;
    - abstract of the degree thesis;
    - ANNEX B "RESEARCH PROJECT", written in Italian or English, which must concern an original research topic (unpublished, unpublished, personally developed by the candidate). The research project does not constitute a constraint on the subsequent choice of the PhD research topic;

    It will also be possible to attach the following additional documents not mandatory:
    - statement of research interest: short text (max. 1 page) aimed at illustrating the candidate's motivations for attending the doctoral course and the description of his/her specific research interests;
    - scientific publications;
    - declaration of conformity of publications to the original, pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 1, of Law 5 October 2011 n. 159;
    - cover letters (max. 2) to support the candidacy of professors or researchers from other universities;
    - other titles academics;
    - other experience (training, work, research, teaching, etc.).

It is preferable to attach the mandatory and optional documents in the format pdf-Adobe (maximum size 5Mb, each file named indicating the surname and name of each candidate - e.g. surname_name_file.pdf).

Candidates with certification of disability or Specific Learning Disorders will be able to indicate their own needs, which will be taken into account in organizing the test (see

Applications that are incomplete in the compilation and/or in the mandatory attachments, irregular or not delivered in the manner and within the terms set out in this announcement will be excluded.
Under no circumstances will changes or additions to the documentation attached to the application be accepted after the deadline of the announcement, with the exception of those possibly requested by the University.


The admission test will consist of a competition based on qualifications and an oral exam. Candidates whose qualifications will be positively evaluated will be admitted to an interview aimed at ascertaining their preparation and aptitude for research.

Selection methods, evaluation criteria and exam calendar are indicated in the PhD course file, attached to the call for admission (available in the attachments at the bottom of the page).

The Selection Board has a total of 120 points available, broken down as follows:

  • evaluation of qualifications: up to 70 points, with a minimum of 40 points to access the oral exam;
  • oral test: up to 50 points.

The minimum total score to be admitted to the ranking is 70 points.

Attachments - pre-enrollment PhD in Economic-Management Engineering