

!! Starting from the summer 2025 graduation session (1st session of the academic year 2024/2025) both the procedure and the deadlines for submitting the graduation application for all Courses will undergo changes. It is possible to view the new procedure by downloading the file attached at the bottom of the page !!

The section offers information and materials regarding the graduation exam, the final exam of the study programmes. The student will be evaluated for the disciplinary competence and the acquired autonomous elaboration and research skills.

Rules of conduct for the graduation discussion

On the occasion of the celebrations during the graduation sessions, the new graduates, their friends and family must adopt behaviors that guarantee the dignity and decorum of the university institution, such as to avoid damage to people and things.
In particular, the same are invited, in the university buildings and in the immediately adjacent spaces, to avoid:

  • launch of products that may damage or deface walls, streets and other movable and immovable property of the University and the surrounding areas;
  • the use of confetti;
  • the setting up of refreshment areas with suministración of foods and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;
  • the soiling of internal and external spaces and the trampling of flower beds;
  • the abandonment on the streets and sidewalks of bottles and other glass objects that could pose a danger to passers-by;
  • posting various types of posters on walls and trees;
  • noises, shouts and verbal immoderateness that could disturb the lessons, the staff of the University and the inhabitants of the area;
  • all other behavior not in keeping with the normal institutional activity of the University.