StudentsGraduateFinal testFinal exam Communication and Digital Media

Final exam Communication and Digital Media


The dissertation is a written work of 30 pages of 2000 characters each, for a total of 60.000 characters, including spaces, notes, bibliography, websites. It is permitted to exceed this limit by a maximum of about 10%.
Papers up to a maximum of 66.000-67.000 characters can therefore be accepted. They are excluded from the count any appendices with tables, images, interviews, documents accompanying the degree thesis.

The topic of the thesis must be agreed with a teacher who held a course in the three-year period.

For more information on writing the thesis go to this page.

La declaration of availability or non-accessibility of the degree thesis must be delivered together with the thesis report.
You can download the form at the bottom of the page and consult the delivery deadlines on the page Graduation sessions and deadlines.

To receive all indicazioni to prepare the thesis, please refer to the coordinators of the degree course.
A copy of the modifiable title page can be requested by email at

Digital copy

The .pdf file of the final thesis (showing the consultation form on the last page) must be uploaded to the graduation application of the Esse3 online desk and sent by email to

Hard copies are not required.

Attachments - Thesis paper


The calculation of the final average considers the average of the marks obtained in the exams, weighted on the basis of the credits of each single course, rounded to the nearest integer.
The examining commission evaluates the final test and, if it is passed, assigns an integer score from 0 to 3 hundred and tenths.

Further scores:

  1. whoever has an average of 28 and submits a final exam evaluated as Excellent (= 3 points), gets an additional point;
  2. whoever has an average of 28 or 29 and 5 cum laude gets an additional point;
  3. those who have an average of 29 and submit a final test rated Excellent (= 2 points), get an additional point.
  4. those who graduate during the course and have at least an average of 100/110 get an additional point.

Finally, at the unquestionable judgment of the graduation sub-commission, to particular works that stand out in a unique way from all the others already evaluated as "excellent" (3 points), the commission may add 1 further point (up to a maximum of 4 total points).

Final vote

The Graduation Commission will evaluate your overall path: thesis, curriculum of completed studies, completion times of the university path, any transfers from another Course, applying specific rules.

The evaluation of the commission is expressed in one hundred and tenths (110). In the event of a maximum vote, the Commission can grant honors on a unanimous decision.

The criteria for evaluating the thesis are:

  • originality of the topic
  • methodological correctness
  • level of detail
  • adequacy of writing and drafting of the paper
  • exhibition and presentation skills of the work.

The graduation Commission, taking into account the discussion of the thesis and the curriculum, will decide the final grade which will be proclaimed during the graduation sessions.