Since January 2020, the University of San Marino has activated a series of services dedicated to students with Specific Learning Disorders and Special Educational Needs.
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The University of San Marino intends to guarantee equal training opportunities for male and female students with disabilities that require support and/or mediation interventions for access to the university path.
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The new service card of the Republic of San Marino dedicated to people with special needs, residents or visitors.
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Since January 2020, the University of San Marino has activated a series of services dedicated to students with Specific Learning Disorders and Special Educational Needs.
Services include:
- orientation inbound
- creation of a personalized profile with instructions for teaching, compensatory tools, dispensatory measures and study strategies
- support and consultancy on organizational and didactic aspects (exams, study plan, attendance, etc.)
- support for international mobility
- mediation in relations with teachers and academic institutions
- University path monitoring through refresher interviews
How to access the service
To access the service the student must make an explicit request to the address inclusion@unirsm.sm by sending the updated certification (see ATTACHMENTS section at the bottom of the page: DSA ATTACHMENT – point 1) or documentation certifying the situation of Special Educational Need.
- the Service will contact the student to arrange a cognitive interview necessary to define the most suitable compensatory tools and dispensatory measures, based on the specific indications provided in the diagnosis document
- for students who have to take a Entry test for Degree Courses with restricted enrollment, the documentation must be presented at the time of enrollment for the test, to allow the Service representative to assess which tools and measures are applicable during the admission exam.
Definition of verification methods, compensatory tools and dispensatory measures
Entry test
As foreseen by the art. 6 of Law 142/2014 in paragraph 10 “per admission tests to undergraduate and graduate courses additional times are foreseen, deemed appropriate in relation to the type of test and in any case not exceeding 30% more than those established for the generality of students, also ensuring the use of the necessary compensatory tools in relation to the type of developmental disorder.
The compensatory instruments granted during the entrance test are the following:
- calculator (non-scientific)
- technical aids and tools (e.g. vocal synthesis)
- Tutor (human reader/writer)
Profit university exams and teaching activities
As regards university exams and the use of university lessons, the compensatory instruments and dispensatory measures to which students can access, each on the basis of their needs, are included among those indicated below.
Compensatory instruments
- digital recorder
- smartpen (ex: live scribe) and/or App (ex: Audionote) to take notes
- PC with spell checker;
- texts in digital format;
- speech synthesis programs;
- the presence of tutors with reader function, in the event that it is not possible to provide exam materials in digital format;
- calculator;
- tables and forms;
- concept maps and/or power point
- teaching materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts, exercises), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons;
- other technological tools for facilitation in the study and exam phase
- possibility of using online translators (e.g. Google)
Dispensing measures
- consider the possibility of dividing the exam material into several partial exams;
- favor oral rather than written tests, also taking into account the individual skill profile;
- where the written exam is deemed indispensable, check whether the chosen format (eg multiple choice test, or closed-answer test, etc.), represents an obstacle and whether it can be replaced by other forms of written assessment;
- always with reference to the written tests, alternatively provide for the quantitative, but not qualitative, reduction of the test itself, or the granting of additional time (up to a maximum of 30% more) for carrying out the test;
- consider content rather than form and spelling in the evaluation.
Peer tutors
Students with certification can apply to benefit from the support of a peer tutor for the following needs:
- Preparation of lecture notes in an accessible format
- Introduction to the use of compensatory tools (software, etc.)
- Support in the organization and retrieval of study materials, in the creation of maps, diagrams, summaries
- Individual study support (or in a group in the case of multiple certified students from the same year of the course, up to a maximum of 3 students per tutor)
The request must be submitted via the form attached here, to be sent completed to the Inclusion Services (inclusion@unirsm.sm).
NB The possibility of accessing this service is subject to the actual availability of Tutor candidates in the various Study Courses.
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The University of San Marino intends to guarantee equal training opportunities for male and female students with disabilities that require support and/or mediation interventions for access to the university path.
In particular, on the basis of specific requests from the student in the phase prior to enrolment, it will be possible to evaluate which possibilities are guaranteed by the university, in relation to the resources and structures available. For information contact: inclusion@unirsm.sm.
University fee exemption
For all courses provided, the University of San Marino provides:
- total exemption from the payment of the university fee to students with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 66%, regardless of economic conditions and merit;
- partial exemption from the payment of the university fee, in the amount of 50% of the total amount to students with a degree of disability between 34% and 65%, regardless of economic conditions and merit.
The request for exemption, addressed to the Magnificent Rector through the Registrar Office, it must be presented at the time of enrolment and must be complete with the necessary certificates issued by the competent authority, by the applicant. This request must be resubmitted when the certificate expires and/or if the percentage of disability changes.
In cases of exemption for partial or total disability, only the certificate issued by AUSL - Civil Invalids, indicating the percentage of disability, is valid.
Card more for you
The new service card of the Republic of San Marino dedicated to people with special needs, residents or visitors.
The card will allow you to enjoy favorable conditions by numerous structures in the San Marino territory, such as events, sporting events and transport.
San Marino without barriers
The San Marino for All website provides useful information for mobility with suggestions on itineraries, access routes and dedicated services to experience the city without barriers.
Visit the website below link!