The training aimed at teachers for obtaining the specialization for teaching support and inclusion will be divided into the following 3 activities for a total of 60 university credits according to the following scheme:
Lessons and workshops
- Special pedagogy;
- Special teaching;
- Psychology and Disability;
- Educational psychology;
- Child neuropsychiatry;
- Pedagogy of the helping relationship;
- Public Law;
- Teaching experience in San Marino;
- Laboratory of technologies for handicap reduction;
- Laboratory on sensory disabilities;
- Laboratory on cognitive disabilities;
- Autism laboratory;
- Laboratory on behavioral disorders;
- Artificial Intelligence and Disability Lab.
300-hour internship period with production of a final report and evaluation.
Certified attendance at two seminars and training meetings
Certified attendance at two seminars and training meetings chosen from a list presented by the Department, on one of which a report will be made according to a pre-established format.
The course is reserved for San Marino citizens and residents in the Republic of San Marino (the residence permit issued for study reasons will therefore not be considered valid for admission to the programme).
Access requirements
Holders of a qualification that allows access to teaching in one of the following school orders can enroll in the specialization course for scholastic support and inclusion:
qualification required for access to nursery school educator (art. 16, Law 68/2004);
- degree in primary education sciences;
- degree foreseen for access to teaching in one of the lower secondary school and upper secondary school chairs.
The educational qualifications required to be admitted to the course are those provided for in article 2, paragraph 1, of the Decree-Law of 22 April 2011 n.61, valid for enrollment in the teaching rankings. These qualifications must have been obtained by the deadline set for the submission of enrollment requests.
San Marino automatically recognizes all educational qualifications obtained or deemed valid in Italy.