Piano di studi


Il Corso ha durata annuale e si articola in moduli didattici.

Ad integrazione della didattica frontale, è previsto un ciclo seminariale di approfondimento di specifiche tematiche settoriali.

Il percorso formativo include, altresì, un periodo di stage/tirocinio individualizzato, da svolgersi presso una struttura accreditata, al termine della didattica frontale. Gli studenti in possesso di forte esperienza professionale certificata nel settore possono presentare domanda di esonero dallo svolgimento del tirocinio. La pertinenza dell’esperienza professionale certificata dai candidati sarà stabilita dalla Commissione Giudicatrice del Master con giudizio insindacabile.



La frequenza al corso è obbligatoria, con limite minimo del 70% delle lezioni frontali.


Il Master in International Security Studies verrà interamente erogato in streaming, tramite piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

La distribuzione del materiale didattico verrà effettuata mediante la piattaforma di e-learning SharePoint.

Il materiale didattico verrà caricato durante il Corso, su disposizione dei singoli Docenti.

Descrizione InsegnamentiOre Didattica FrontaleOre Studio IndividualeCFUSSD
MODULE I - War and Peace in the 21st Century401608IUS/13
National Security Implications for International Public Law: Evolution of the Law of the Armed Conflicts – Jus ad Bellum; State and Non-State Actors –Workshop5201IUS/13
Humanitarian/ Human Rights Law – Jus in Bello; Jus Post-Bellum? – Workshop5201IUS/13
Case Studies: Drones; The Osama Bin-Laden Operation; Hybrid, Electronic, Cyber Warfare: Contemporary Multi-Dimensional Conflict, Classic Theories of “Just War”, Irregular War - Current Approaches and Unresolved Issues - Workshop USM5201M-STO/04
Disinformation, Social Media, Interference, Identity Wars: Retreat of Democracy? - Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaties and Policies –Issues in Disarmament; The Weapons of the 21st Centuries: Space and Maritime Security – Workshop USM5201ICAR/03
U.N. Security Council in the 21st Century –Operations and Impact; Peacekeeping, Authorization of Use of Force and Conflict Resolution – Workshop USM5201M-STO/04
International Organizations and Agreements; The “International Liberal Order” and the Rule of Law - Multilateralism v. Unilateralism? – Workshop5201IUS/13
Introduction to Geopolitics: Historical and Current Theories of Deterrence and Crisis—The “War Puzzle” Workshop5201SSP/04
Great Powers’ Conflict Risks – “Strategic Competitors”/”Adversaries” Challenge in the Current Geo-political Context - Global Challenges in the Current Geo-political Context and the New Frontier of Strategic Conflict: 5G, Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); Infrastructure and Info- Communication Technology (ICT) Development – Workshop5201SPS/04
MODULE II - Transnational Terrorism, Crime Networks and Threat Financing Flows401608
The U.S. National Security Peculiar Legal Paradigm - History and Architecture: Counter-Terrorism in Context; Colloquium on Comparative; Constitutional Issues - Class USM5201IUS/21
Evolution of Anti-Terrorism Framework in the U.N. Resolutions – The “Definition” Conundrum – Workshop5201IUS/13 IUS/17
E.U. New Directive on Combating Terrorism –Tools and Challenges:Radicalization and the European Approach to Response – Workshop5201IUS/13 IUS/17
Radical Islamism – History and Development: Salafi/Wahabi “Schools” From Al Quaeda to ISIS and Connected Galaxy of Radical Groups - A New Iteration of ISIS after the “Caliphate” Demise? – Workshop5201IUS/11 SPS/04
Understanding Financing Flows Channeled to Terrorism/Illicit Activities – The International Framework of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-terrorism Financing (CTF) - Workshop USM15603ICAR/03
Transnational Terrorism and International Crime Networks: New “Impunity”; E.U. v. U.S. Approaches to AML/CTF: EU Directives and Implementation; US “Material Support”, Patriot Act, Sanctions – Workshop5201IUS/13 IUS/17
MODULE III - Intelligence, Surveillance, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Civil Liberties in the Connected Era – A Comparative Primer401608
Global Threats and the Intelligence Agencies – A Comparative View on the Law of the Intelligence in Selected Countries – Workshop10402IUS/17 SPS/04 IUS/21
The U.S. Law of the Intelligence; Surveillance Programs; Secret Court; Covert Operations – Workshop USM10402SPS/02
The Surveillance Conundrum – National Security, Privacy and Civil Liberties: Which Possible Balance? - Technology, “Big Techno” - Companies, Big Data; IoT; Artificial Intelligence - Workshop USM 5201SPS/02
Cyber-crime, CyberSecurity, CyberPreparedness, Critical Infrastructures: Public/Private/Academic Partnership - Workshop USM5201ICAR/03
Freedom of the Internet: From ICANN to Authoritarian Temptations - Toward a “Balkanization” of Cyberspace Governance? – Workshop10402IUS/13 IUS/10 IUS/20 INF/01
MODULE IV - The “Full Array” of Global Threats401608
Climate Change and Environmental Unsustainability as a Global and National Security Threat - Workshop USM1560 31ICAR/03
Cross-Border Health Crises Management and Bio-Security - Workshop USM5201ICAR/03
Financial Markets Protracted Volatility; Management of Systemic Crises and of the Pillars of the International Financial System – New Protectionist and Nationalist Threats - Workshop USM 10402ICAR/03
Mass Migration, Humanitarian Emergencies and Refugees International Status – U.N. and E.U. Approaches – Workshop10402IUS/13 IUS/14
MODULE V - Regional Context and Challenges401608
Regional and Global Alliances 1: NATO in the 21st Century and Cooperation with the E.U. – Workshop10402IUS/13 IUS/14 SPS/04
Regional and Global Alliances 2: The African Union in a Continent in Critical Transition - Chinese Geo-economics; South-African Rot; Persistent Terrorist Threat - Seminar10402IUS/13 SPS/04
Regional and Global Alliances 3: MENA Seemingly Intractable Issues Analysis - Libyan Conundrum; Postwar/Post - Caliphate Syria and Iraq; Oil & Iran; Saudi Arabia, Proxy Wars and Humanitarian Disaster in Yemen; Role of Israel - Workshop10402SPS/04
Far East: From “Pacific Pivot” to Strategically Critical “Theater of Operations” - South China Seas; Japan; North Korea - Workshop USM10402SPS/02
Totale formazione in presenza20080040
Attività seminariali753
Stage/tirocinio, elaborato35014
Prova finale753
TOTALE ORE 1500200130060