Profilo biografico
Vincenzo Moscato is a Full Professor at the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department of University of Naples Federico II, where he is the owner of “Database Systems” and “Big Data Engineering” teachings for the bachelor and master’s degree programs in Computer Engineering, respectively. Currently, he is the leader of PICUS (Pattern and Intelligence Computation for mUltimedia Systems) departmental research group, and the Scientific Coordinator for the University of Naples unit of the Data Science National Laboratory of CINI (National Research Consortium on Computer Science). In addition, he is also the director of CINI’s national ITEM laboratory. His current research activities lay in the area of Big Data Analytics, Aritificial Intelligence, Multimedia Social Network Analysis and Multimedia Recommender Systems. In addition, he is the Co-founder of the Academic Spin-off Data JAM srl, and won an International Award by Oracle Corporation for the “Knowledge graphs for next-generation health science applications” project. He was in the Program Committee (PC) of a plethora of international and top-ranked conferences, and the PC chair of a dozen of IEEE/ACM international conferences. He served as reviewer in numerous international journals, including some of the most important journals concerning Multimedia, Knowledge and Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence topics, and currently he is in the editorial boards of several international journals, including, among others, “Expert System and Applications” , “Intelligent Information Systems” and “IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems”. Finally, he was an author of more than 200 publications in international journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. About 80 of such publications are available on top-ranked journals (Q1 and Q2 from SCIMAGO ranking) or included in Proceedings of top-ranked conferences.
Principali pubblicazioni
Ha fatto parte dei comitati di programma di numerose conferenze internazionali ed attualmente è nei comitati editoriali di diverse importanti riviste. Infine, è stato autore di circa 200 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali, atti di conferenze e capitoli di libri. Per quanto riguarda l’attività didattica, Vincenzo Moscato è stato titolare di una cinquantina di corsi universitari, aventi come principali materie di insegnamento quelle relative all’Ingegneria dei Dati ed ai Sistemi Informativi. È inoltre co-autore di 8 monografie a supporto della didattica, alcune delle quali sono attualmente e largamente utilizzate come libri di testo per gli insegnamenti di Basi di Dati e Fondamenti di Informatica in diversi Atenei Italiano.