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Profilo biografico
Il Dr. Forcellini ha conseguito la laurea magistrale presso l’Università di Bologna in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale nel 2006. La sua tesi di master, intitolata “Studi di Interazione Terreno – Struttura (Study of Soil Structure Interaction)” è stata sviluppata in collaborazione presso l’Università della California, San Diego in collaborazione con il Prof. Ahmed Elgamal e il Dr. Jinchi Lu.
Da allora, ha continuato a collaborare con il Prof. Ahmed Elgamal e il Prof. James M. Kelly presso la UC Berkeley. Ha lavorato come ingegnere di ponti tra il 2007 e il 2009. Dal 2009 insegna all’Università di San Marino. Ha completato il suo dottorato di ricerca, “A structural optimized performance based earthquake engineering methodology and risk-management decision making” presso l’Università di San Marino.
Principali pubblicazioni
Davide Forcellini, Fabrizio Giardi, Marco Tanganelli (2019) “Seismic assessment of the historical third tower in San Marino based on a 3D laser scanner”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 01/2019
Forcellini D. (2019) “A new methodology to assess Indirect Losses in Bridges subjected to multiple hazards”.Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 4:10 DOI: 10.1007/s41062-018-0195-7, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41062-018-0195-7
Forcellini D., Tanganelli M., Viti S. “Response Site Analyses of 3D Homogeneous Soil Models”, Emerging Science Journal | Vol. 2, No. 5, ISSN 2610-9182
Forcellini D. (2017) “SEISMIC ASSESSMENT OF A BENCHMARK BASED ISOLATED ORDINARY BUILDING WITH SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, (Accepted: Oct 31, 2017), DOI: 10.1007/s10518-017-0268-6, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10518-017-0268-6
“Radar detection of pedestrian-induced vibrations on Michelangelo’s David”, M. Pieraccini, M.Betti, D. Forcellini, D. Dei, F. Papi, G. Bartoli, L. Facchini, R. Corazzi, V.Cerisano Kovacevic (2017), DOI: 10.371/journal.pone.0174480.g004
“Assessment on geotechnical seismic isolation (GSI) on bridge configurations”, D Forcellini (2017), Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, DOI: 10.1007/s41062-017-0057-8
“Seismic resilience of isolated bridge configurations with soil–structure interaction”, D Forcellini (2017), Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, DOI: 10.1007/s41062-016-0050-7
“Cost Assessment of isolation technique applied to a benchmark bridge with soil structure interaction“, D Forcellini (2017), Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-016-9953-0, (accepted: 28/05/2016).
3D Numerical simulations of elastomeric bearings for bridges, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions D. Forcellini (2016), DOI: 10.1007/s41062-016-0045-4
Seismic Characterization of Historical Buildings in San Marino Repubblic from Ambient Vibration Monitoring”, G. Peruzzi, D. Forcellini, K. Venturini and D. Albarello (2016). International Journal of New Technology and Research, vol. 2, Issue 7, 95-102 ISSN: 2454-4116
“Numeric Validation of 3D Printer Technology Applied to Story Isolation on Tall Buildings” D. Forcellini and L. Gallanti (2016). Journal of Statistical Science and Application, vol. 4, No. 05-06, 132-143 doi: 10.17265/2328-224X/2016.0506.002
“A Direct-Indirect Cost Decision Making Assessment Methodology for Seismic Isolation on Bridges”, D. Forcellini (2016), Journal of Mathematics and System Science, vol. 4, No. 03-04, 85-95 doi: 10.17265/2328-224X/2015.0304.002.
“The analysis of the large deformation stability of elastomeric bearings”, Davide Forcellini and James Kelly. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000729: 04014036 1-10 (June, 2014).
“Assessment of stone columns as a mitigation technique of liquefaction-induced effects during italian earthquakes (May 2012)” Davide Forcellini and Angelo Marcello Tarantino. Scientific World Journal. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Accepted 7 November 2013
“Case studies on several isolated bridge configurations adopting a performance based design approach.”, Davide Forcellini and Marco Banfi. Durability of Bridge Structures. CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-13-800112-1: 185-194.
“Liquefaction-induced lateral deformations computational assessment during Tohoku earthquake”, Fabio Dellabartola, Davide Forcellini and Angelo Marcello Tarantino. ISRN Civil Engineering. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Accepted July 03, 2013.
“Countermeasures Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Deformation in a Slope Ground System”, Davide Forcellini and Angelo Marcello Tarantino. Journal of Engineering. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Accepted December 06, 2012.
“Mitigation of liquefaction-induced lateral deformation in a sloping stratum: 3D Numerical Simulation”, Ahmed Elgamal, Jinchi Lu, and Davide Forcellini. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Accepted April 27, 2009; posted ahead of print April 30, 2009. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT,1943-5606.0000137. 46 pages.
“Humboldt Bay Middle Channel Bridge: 3D Bridge-Foundations-Ground System”, A. Elgamal & D. Forcellini, UCSD, Department of Structural Engineering, University of San Diego, California, U.S.A. T. Trombetti & G. Gasparini, DISTART – Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy. “Innovations in Bridge Engineering Technology”, Edited by Khaled M. Mahmoud, ed. Taylor & Francis/Balkema. ISBN (eBook) 978-0-203-93849-2. 289 Pages.
Gobbi S., Forcellini D. Lopex-Caballero, F. (2018) ‘Numerical analysis on the effects of liquefaction on structures’, 16 European Conf. on Earthquake Eng., Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June, 2018.
Tanganelli M., Forcellini D., Viti S. (2018) “Role of the soil thickness in the Site Response Analysis (RSA): a parametric study’. 16 European Conf. on Earthquake Eng., Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June, 2018.
Guzman, M.A. Forcellini D., Moreno R., Giraldo D.H. (2018) ‘Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Assessment of Elastomeric Bearing Stability’. 20th International conference on advanced structural engineering and bridge designing (ICASEBO 2018), 21-22 June, 2018, Venice, Italy. AWARDED as Best Presentation during the conference
G. Guerra, D. Forcellini, E. Xhixha, G. Peruzzi, D. Albarello, E. Lo, D.E. Mayer, S. Trinh, E.Zheng and F. Kuester “3D NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF THE SAN MARINO THIRD TOWER (MONTALE) BASED ON 3D MAPPING”
S.Gobbi, F. Lopez-Caballero, D. Forcellini “NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL LIQUEFACTION INDUCED FAILURE OF EMBANKMENTS” https://2017.compdyn.org/proceedings/pdf/17027.pdf
D. Forcellini, S. Mitoulis, K.N. Kalfas “STUDY ON THE RESPONSE OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS WITH 3D NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION” https://2017.compdyn.org/proceedings/pdf/17186.pdf
G. Peruzzi, D. Forcellini, K. Venturini, D. Albarello (2017) ‘Ambient vibrations applied to San Marino historical building survey’ Proceedings of the XIV World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January, 2017.
D. Forcellini, C. Morandini, M. Betti, L. Facchini (2017) ‘A seismic assessment and protection proposal of a base isolation system for Michelangelo’s David’ Proceedings of the XIV World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January, 2017.
Forcellini, D. (2016) Cost assessment of an isolated bridge with soil-structure interaction. Included in “Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation” ISBN 978-1-138-02927-9. VI International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC). Capetown, South Africa, 05-07 September 2016.
Forcellini, D., Gobbi, S., Mina, D. (2016) Numerical simulations of ordinary buildings with soil-structure interaction. Included in “Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation” ISBN 978-1-138-02927-9. VI International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC). Capetown, South Africa, 05-07 September 2016.
Tanganelli, M., Viti, S., Forcellini, D., D’intisonante, V., Baglione, M. (2016) Effect of soil modeling on Site Response Analysis (SRA). Included in “Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation” ISBN 978-1-138-02927-9. VI International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC). Capetown, South Africa, 05-07 September 2016.
Tonni, L., Forcellini, D., Osti, C., Gottardi, G. (2015) Modelling liquefaction phenomena during the May 2012 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) earthquake (Modélisation des phénomènes de liquéfaction pendant le tremblement de terre du 2012 en Emilia-Romagna (Italie)). ISBN 978-0-7277-6067-8. XVI Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development (ECSMGE). Edinburgh, England, 13-17 September 2015.
AWARDED as Best Contribution to Earthquake geotechnical engineering and liquefaction
Forcellini, D., Gallanti, L., Hutchinson, T. and Kuester, F (2015) Story isolation assessment on tall buildings adopting 3d printer technology. 14th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures (14WCSI). San Diego, California USA, 9-11 September 2015.
Forcellini, D., Facchini, L., Betti, M., Morandini, C., Clyde, D., Segas, P. (2015) Seismic protection systems for artifacts: a base isolation proposal for Michelangelo’s David, 14th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures (14WCSI). San Diego, California USA, 9-11 September 2015.
Forcellini, D., Gobbi, S. (2015). Soil Structure Interaction assessment with advanced numerical simulations. 5Th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2015.
Forcellini, D., Tonni, L., Osti, C., Gottardi, G. (2015). Numerical simulations of liquefaction phenomena after Emilia Romagna (20 May 2012) Earthquake. 5Th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2015.
Zelaschi C., DeAngelis, G., Giardi, F., Forcellini, D., Monteiro, R. G. (2015). Performance Based Earthquake engineering approach applied to bridges in a road network. 5Th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Crete, Greece, 25-27 May 2015.
Forcellini, D., Kelly, J. M. (2014). The influence of large deformations of elastomeric bearings. Second European conference on Eathquake engineering and Seismology Istanbul, Turkey, 25-29 August 2014.
Forcellini, D (2014). Seismic assessment of soil structure interaction on several isolated bridge configurations adopting a PBEE methodology. Second European conference on Eathquake engineering and Seismology Istanbul, Turkey, 25-29 August 2014.
Forcellini, D., Gobbi, S., Guerra G. (2014). Numerical simulations of liquefaction phenomena after Emilia Romagna (20 May 2012) earthquake. OpenSeesdays, Porto, Portugal, 3-4 July 2014.
Forcellini, D., Banfi, M. (2013). Case studies on several isolated bridge configurations adopting a performance based design approach. 7th New York City Bridge Conference, New York City, USA 26-27 August 2013.
Forcellini, D., Elgamal, A., Lu, J., Mackie, K.R., Tarantino A.M. (2012) ‘Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of isolated bridge configurations on deformable soils’. Proceedings of the XV World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 September, 2012.
Forcellini, D., Elgamal, A., Lu, J., Mackie, K.R., Tarantino A.M. (2012) ‘Seismic Assessment of isolated bridge configurations adopting a PBEE methodology’. Proceedings of the Quake Summit 2012, Annual meeting NEES and CMMI, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 8-12 July, 2012.
Forcellini, D., Elgamal, A., Lu, J., Mackie, K.R., Tarantino A.M. (2012) ‘A parametric study on several bridge-abutments configurations adopting a PBEE methodology’. Proceedings of the II International Conference on Performance-Based Design in earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy, 28-30 May, 2012.
Forcellini, D., Elgamal, A., Lu, J. (2012) ‘Seismic assessment of isolated configurations subjected to liquefaction adopting a PBEE methodology’. Proceedings of OpenSeesDays, Roma, Italy, 24-25 May, 2012.
Forcellini, D., Elgamal, A., Lu, J., Mackie, K.R., Tarantino A.M. (2011) ‘Sesmic Assessment of a simple bridge-abutment model adopting a Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering approach” . Proceedings of the XIV conference ANIDIS L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia, Bari, Italy, 18-22 September, 2011.
Forcellini, D., Elgamal, A.,Trombetti, T., Gasparini, G. (2007) ‘Humboldt Bay Middle Channel Bridge: 3D Bridge-Foundations-Ground System” . 4th New York City Bridge Conference, New York City, NY, USA 27-28 August, 2007.
11 October 2016
University of Surrey, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering , Surrey, UK, “Seismic assessment of isolated bridge configurations adopting a performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) methodology”
14 September 2015
University of Nebraska, Department of Civil Engineering Lincoln, USA, “Assessment and Protection of Structures under Dynamic Loads: Bridges and Cultural Heritage”
Member of
Anti-Seismic Systems International Society (ASSISi): http://www.assisi-antiseismicsystems.org
Coordiinator of
“3D Mapping of Historical Heritage Sites”, jointly with Professor Falko Kuester at the Center of Interdisciplinary Science for Art, Architecture and Archaeology (CISA3) at the University of California San Diego and supported by UNESCO National Commissionan Marino.
“Modellazione 3D di strutture ordinarie con effetti di interazione terreno-struttura”, Università di San Marino.
Student: Daniele Mina
“Studio della risposta sismica di un tratto di argine del canale diversivo di Burana mediante analisi dinamica avanzata”, Università di Bologna.
Student: Cristina Osti, Advisor: Ing. Laura Tonni, Co-Adv. Prof. Guido Gottardi
July 2015:
“Modellazione bidimensionale del fenomeno della liquefazione in corrispondenza dell’argine di scortichino (Emilia, 2012)”.
Student: Francesco Mezzanotti
“Modellazione numerica 3d di un dispositivo di isolamento sismico”
Student: Daniel Martino
“Analisi di performance base design su un viadotto autostradale”
Student: Fabrizio Giardi
April 2015 (Università di Firenze)
“Sistemi per la protezione sismica di opere d’arte: una proposta per l’isolamento alla base del David di Michelangelo” Student: Chiara Morandini (Relatori: Prof. L. Facchini, D. Forcellini);
October 2014:
“Criteri di progettazione di coperture in capannoni industriali in acciaio”. Student: Daniele Fabbri
“Criteri di progettazione degli elementi strutturali di un capannone industriale in acciaio a carichi orizzontali da vento”. Student: Enrico Grilli
“Valutazione del comportamento dell’isolamento multipiano su edifici alti”. Student: Luca Gallanti
“Una tecnica innovativa di protezione sismica di manufatti scultorei”. Student: Fabio Muccioli
“Criteri di progettazione di collegamenti per i capannoni industriali in acciaio”. Student: Marco Tamburini
July 2014:
“Valutazione degli effetti di Interazione terreno-struttura in casi di ordinaria progettazione”. Student: Stefania Gobbi
“Valutazione degli effetti dovuti alla liquefazione a seguito del terremoto emiliano (Maggio 2012). Student: GianMarco Guerra
April 2014:
“Effetti di Near Fault su edifici alti”. Student: Anton Castinera
October 2013:
“Comportamento antisismico di strutture in legno” Student: Mirco Neri.
“Il ruolo dei dissipatori in acciaio nella progettazione antisismica” Student: Luca Moretti.
July 2013:
“Isolamento alla base come tecnica di protezione antisismica” Student: Alex Balzi.
“Stato dell’arte delle tecniche di protezione delle strutture in muratura”. Student: Michele Gallerani
Interessi di ricerca
Interazione terreno struttura
Resilienza sismica
Modellazione numerica