UNIRSM Persone Roberto Montanari

Roberto Montanari

Orario di ricevimento

Lunedì pomeriggio previo appuntamento telefonico (Parma). Mercoledì pomeriggio al termine delle lezioni (San Marino) durante il periodo di lezioni

Profilo biografico

Nato a Reggio Emilia il 11/02/73.
Laureato con 110/110 e lode (con Dignità di Stampa) in Ingegneria Meccanica presso l’Università degli Studi di Parma il 22/04/99.
Dal 07/07/98 al 06/05/99 ha assolto agli obblighi di leva.
Esame di Stato sostenuto a Parma nel Maggio 1999.
Dal 24/11/99 è Laureato frequentatore nel Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università degli Studi di Parma dove partecipa al progetto CEE “FAIR 1220”: Impianti di stagionatura di insaccati.
Vincitore di concorso per Ricercatore in Impianti Industriali Meccanici (settore scientifico-disciplinare ING-IND/17) presso la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Parma, è in servizio su detto posto dal 01/02/01.
Dal 02/07/02 al 28/01/03 è Visiting Professor presso la Division of Industrial Engineering del New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Vincitore di concorso per professore di seconda fascia in Impianti Industriali Meccanici (settore scientifico-disciplinare ING-IND/17) presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Parma, è in servizio su detto posto dal 30/12/04.
Dal 30/12/2007 è professore associato confermato presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Parma
Vincitore di concorso per PROFESSORE DI PRIMA Fascia in Impianti Industriali Meccanici (settore scientifico-disciplinare ING-IND/17) presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Parma, è in servizio su detto posto dal 01/11/10.
Dal novembre 2011 è Presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica per l’Industria Alimentare rinominato nel novembre 2015 in Ingegneria degli Impianti e delle Macchine dell’Industria Alimentare.
Dal novembre 2012 è vice direttore del centro interdipartimentale CIPACK
Dal novembre 2014 è direttore del centro interdipartimentale CIPACK
Da gennaio 2018 è Delegato del Rettore per i Programmi Erasmus e Overworld


  1. R. Montanari “Criteria for the economic planning  of a low power hydroelectric plant”, Renewable Energy; 28 (2003) 2129-2145.
  2. M. Bevilacqua, M. Braglia, R. Montanari.  “The classification and regression tree approach for pumps failure rate analysis”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 79 (2003) 59-67.
  3. M. Braglia, M. Frosolini, R. Montanari, “Fuzzy TOPSIS approach for failure mode, effects and criticality analysis”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 19 (2003) 425-443.
  4. M. Braglia, M. Frosolini, R. Montanari.  “Fuzzy Logic Controller in Food Packaging Plant”, Packaging Technology and Science, 16 (2003) 21-35.
  5. M. Braglia, M. Frosolini, R. Montanari.  “Fuzzy criticality assessment model for failure modes and effects analysis”, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol.20 N.4, (2003) 503-524.
  6. R. Montanari “Environmental efficiency analysis for ENEL thermo-power plants”, Journal of  Cleaner Production; 12 (2004) 403-414.
  7. M. Braglia, A. Grassi, R. Montanari. Multi-attribute classification method for spare parts inventory management, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering,10 (2004) 55-65.
  8. L. L. Abdel-Malek, R. Montanari, L. C. Morales “An Exact Approximate and Generic Iterative Method for The Multi-Product Newsboy Problem with a Budget Constraint”, International Journal of Production Economics 91 (2004) 189-198.
  9. L. L. Abdel-Malek, R. Montanari “On the Multi – Product Newsvendor Problem with Two Constraints” Computer & Operations Research, 32 (2005) 2095-2116.
  10. A. Grassi, R. Montanari, “Simulation of the thermodynamic patterns in an ascending flow ripening chamber”, Journal of Food Engineering, 68 (2005) 113-123
  11. L. L. Abdel-Malek, R. Montanari “An analysis of the multi-product newsboy problem with a budget constraint”, International Journal of Production Economics, 3 97 (2005) 296-307
  12. M. Bevilacqua, M. Braglia, M. Frosolini, R. Montanari, “Failure rate prediction with artificial neural networks”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 3 11 (2005) 279-294.
  13. M. Bertolini, G. Ferretti, A. Grassi and R. Montanari, “Seasoning process design optimization for an ascending flow ripening chamber” Journal of Food Engineering, 3 77 (2006) 529-538
  14. G. Ferretti, R. Montanari. “A Finite-Difference Method for the Prediction of Velocity Field in Extrusion Process” Journal of Food Engineering, 1 83 (2007) 84-92
  15. R. Montanari, A. Rizzi. “A new Challenge in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain”, European Pharmaceutical Review, 2 (2007) 103-108
  16. C.Carboni, and R. Montanari, “Solar thermal systems: Advantages in domestic integration”; Renewable Energy, 33 (2008) 1364-1373
  17. L. L. Abdel-Malek, R. Montanari, D. Meneghetti, “The capacitated newsboy problem with random yield; The gardener problem”, International Journal of Production Economics, 115 (2008) 113-127
  18. R. Montanari. “Cold chain tracking: a managerial perspective”, Trends in Food Science & Technology,19 (2008) 425-431
  19. E. Bottani, R. Montanari, A. Rizzi. “The impact of RFID technology and EPC system on stock-out of promotional items” International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, Vol.1, No.1, (2009) 6-22.
  20. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Rizzi, A. The impact of RFID technology and EPC system on logistics processes of the fashion industry supply chain. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, vol.1, no.4, (2009), 225-252
  21. Bottani, E., Bertolini, M., Montanari, R., Volpi, A. RFID-enabled Business Intelligence Modules for supply chain optimization. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, vol.1, no.4, (2009), 253-278
  22. Bottani, E., Montanari, R. Supply chain design and cost analysis through simulation. International Journal of Production Research, doi:10.1080/00207540902960299, Vol. 48, no. 10, (2010) 2859- 2886
  23. Bottani E., Montanari R., Volpi A. The impact of RFID and EPC network on the bullwhip effect in the Italian FMCG supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 124, (2010), 426- 432
  24. Bigliardi, B., Bottani, E., Montanari, R., & Vignali G., 2010. Successful New Product Development in the food packaging industry: evidence from a case study. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2(9), 13-24
  25. Bottani, E., Guerra, L., Montanari, R., & Vignali, G., 2011. A survey on packaging materials and technologies for commercial food products. International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(1), article 12
  26. Bottani, E., & Montanari, R., 2011. Design and performance evaluation of supply networks: a simulation study. International Journal Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 3(3), 226-269
  27. Bertolini, M., Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., & Volpi, A. 2012. Analysis of the requirements of RFID tags for efficient fashion supply chain management. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 3(1), 39–65
  28. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Rizzi, A., & Volpi, A., 2012. Performances of RFID, acousto-magnetic and radio frequency technologies for Electronic Article Surveillance in the apparel industry in Europe: a quantitative study. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 3(2), 137-158
  29. Alinovi, A., Bottani, E., & Montanari, R., 2012. Reverse Logistics: a stochastic EOQ-based inventory control model for mixed manufacturing/remanufacturing systems with return policies. International Journal of Production Research (special issue: “Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics”), 50(5), 1243–1264
  30. Bottani, E., Cecconi, M., Vignali, G., & Montanari, R., 2012. Optimisation of storage allocation in order picking operations through a genetic algorithm. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 15(2), 127-146
  31. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., & Vignali, G., 2012. The impact of (S,s) policy on supply network performance: a simulation study. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 4(2), 164-201
  32. Bottani, E., Montanari, R., Bruzzone, A., Longo, F., & Madeo, F., 2012. Simulation, analysis and optimization of container terminals processes. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 3(4), article 1240006. DOI: 10.1142/S1793962312400065
  33. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Vignali, G., Longo, F., & Bruzzone, A., 2013. Design of supply networks with optimized safety stock levels. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 5(2), 93-109
  34. Bottani, E., & Montanari, R., 2013. RFID and real time localization systems for warehouse management: a model for technical and economic evaluation. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 4(3-4), 209–245
  35. Armenzoni, M., Solari, F., Marchini, D., Montanari, R., Bottani, E., Vignali, G., & Ferretti, G., 2013, Advanced design of the pasta drying process with simulation tools. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling Vol. 8, No.2/3  pp. 104 – 117 DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2013.057542
  36. Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., Solari, F., Vignali, G., 2013 Advanced design of industrial mixers for fluid foods using computational fluid dynamics, International Journal of Food Engineering. Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 309–325, ISSN (Online) 1556-3758, ISSN (Print) 2194-5764, DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2013-0035, September 2013
  37. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R. & Rinaldi, M., 2014. Analysis and optimization of inventory management policies for perishable food products: a simulation study. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 9(1-2), 16-32. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2014.061429
  38. Bottani, E., Ferretti, G., Montanari, R., & Vignali, G., 2014. An empirical study on the relationships between maintenance policies and approaches among Italian companies. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 20(2), 135-162. DOI: 10.1108/JQME-11-2012-0039
  39. Marchini, D., Rinaldi, M., Montanari, R., Bottani, E., & Solari, F., 2014. Performance analysis of the water supply system of a dairy company by means of an advanced simulation tool. International Journal of Food Engineering, 10(4), 557–571. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2013-0067
  40. Montanari, R., Ferretti, G., Rinaldi, M., & Bottani, E., 2015. Investigating the demand propagation in EOQ supply networks using a probabilistic model. International Journal of Production Research, 53(5), 1307–1324. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.917772
  41. Bottani, E., Rinaldi, M., & Montanari, R., 2015. Improving the efficiency of public administrations through business process reengineering and simulation: a case study. Business Process Management Journal, 21(2), 419-462. DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-06-2014-0054
  42. Bottani, E., Montanari, R., Rinaldi, M., & Vignali, G., 2015. Modelling and multi-objective optimization of closed loop supply chains: a case study. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 87, 328-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2015.05.009
  43. Armenzoni, M., Montanari, R., Vignali, G., Bottani, E., Ferretti G., Solari F., & Rinaldi M., 2015. An integrated approach for demand forecasting and inventory management optimisation of spare parts. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 10(3), 223-240. DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2015.071375
  44. Bottani, E., Montanari, R., & Rinaldi, M., 2015. How many to produce? The impact of machine flexibility on the performance of a supply chain. International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management, 1(1), 62-90. DOI: 10.1504/IJSCIM.2015.071935
  45. Marchini, D., Rinaldi, M., Montanari, R., Bottani, E., & Solari, F., 2015. Temperature analysis of the water supply system of a dairy company by means of a simulation model. International Journal of Food Engineering, 11(6), 731-745. DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2015-0065
  46. Bottani, E., Romagnoli, G., & Montanari, R., 2016. Improving sales turnover in fashion retailing by means of an RFID-based replenishment policy. International Journal of RF Technologies: research and applications, 7(1), 65–86. DOI 10.3233/RFT-150072
  47. Kazemi, N., Shekarian, E., Bottani, E., & Montanari, R., 2016. A fuzzy lot-sizing problem with a two-stage composite human learning. International Journal of Production Research, 54(16), 5010-5025. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1165874
  48. Mosna, D., Bottani, E., Montanari, R., Vignali, G., in press. Life cycle assessment of a new feed production obtained by wasted flour food collected from the distribution and retail phases. International Journal of Food Engineering, DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2016-0046
  49. Armenzoni, M., Bottani, E., Montanari, R., Rinaldi, M., Gallo, S.A., in press. Analysis, simulation and optimization of the milking process in a cowshed for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano. International Journal of Food Engineering, DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2016-0049
  50. Bottani, E., Montanari, R., in press. An analytic model to investigate the demand propagation in EOI supply networks. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, forthcoming
  51. Bottani, E., Mantovani, M., Montanari, R., Vignali, G., in press. Inventory management in the presence of inventory inaccuracies: An economic analysis by discrete-event simulation. International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management, forthcoming
  52. Montanari, R., Bottani, E., Shekarian, E., Kazemi, N., in press. A model for the analysis of procurement strategies in the economic order interval environment. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, forthcoming