Orario di ricevimento
Lunedì dalle ore 12:00 alle ore 13:00, Luogo: SMHUB – Sedi Cdl Ingegneria, Note: Su appuntamento tramite posta elettronica
Profilo biografico
Laureato in Ingegneria Civile indirizzo Strutture all’Università di Padova e Dottore di Ricerca in Meccanica delle Strutture all’Università di Bologna. Socio del Collegio dei Tecnici dell’Acciaio (CTA) e già delegato al Consiglio direttivo italiano IABSE (International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering). Eletto nel Consiglio Direttivo e XXVII Presidente del CTA. Componente del gruppo di redazione della rivista Costruzioni Metalliche e già dell’International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology. Affiliato al Gruppo italiano IABMAS (International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety). Già membro della commissione UNI “Strutture in acciaio” e di commissioni di lavoro sugli Eurocodici. Ha organizzato e partecipato a webinar, seminari, tavole rotonde e workshop. Ha collaborato in campo acciaio con le principali aziende ed enti nazionali.
Principali pubblicazioni
1. Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Modena C., Imperfections in steel girder webs with and without perforations under patch loading, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65(5), pp.1121-1129, 2009.
2. Pellegrino C., Maiorana E., Modena C., FRP strengthening of steel and steel composed structures: an analytical approach, Materials and Structures 42(3), pp.353-363, 2009.
3. Pellegrino C., Maiorana E., Modena C., Linear and non-Linear behaviour of perforated steel plates with circular and rectangular holes under shear loading, Thin-Walled Structures 47(6-7), pp.607-616, 2009.
4. Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Modena C., Influence of longitudinal stiffeners on elastic stability of girder webs, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67, pp.51-64, 2011.
5. Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Modena C., Elasto-plastic behaviour of perforated steel plates subjected to compression and bending, Steel and Composite Structures 11(2), pp.131-147, 2011.
6. Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Linear buckling analysis of welded girder webs with variable thickness, Steel and Composite Structures 11(6), pp.505-524, 2011.
7. Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Comparison between Eurocodes, North American and Main International Codes for Design of Bolted Connections in Steel Bridges, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 18(12), pp.1298-1308, 2013.
8. Zampieri P., Curtarello A., Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Fatigue strength of corroded bolted connection, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 43, pp.90-96 2018.
9. Maiorana E., Zampieri P., Pellegrino C., Experimental tests on slip factor in friction joints: comparison between European and American Standards, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 43, pp.205-217, 2018.
10. Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Linear elastic behavior of circular holed steel box sections under compression, International Journal of Steel Structures 18(3), pp.1063-1082, 2018.
11. Tetougueni C.D., Maiorana E., Zampieri P., Pellegrino C., Plate girders behaviour under in-plane loading: A review, Engineering Failure Analysis 95, pp.332-358, 2019.
12. Zampieri P., Curtarello A., Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., A Review of the Fatigue Strength of Shear Bolted Connections, International Journal of Steel Structures 19(4), pp.1084-1098, 2019.
13. Maiorana E., Contribution of longitudinal stiffener rigidity and position to bridge girder intergrity, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 48, pp.459-472, 2019.
14. Maiorana E., Tetougueni C.D., Zampieri P., Pellegrino C., The interaction between patch loading, bending moment and shear stress in steel girders, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 20(6), pp.389-410, 2019.
15. Zampieri P., Tetougueni C.D., Maiorana E., Pellegrino C., Post-buckling of network arch bridges subjected to vertical loads, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, pp.1-19, 2020.
16. Maiorana E., Tetougueni C.D., Zampieri P., Pellegrino C., Experimental and numerical investigations on slender panels with holes under symmetrical localised loads, Engineering Structures 228, pp.23, 2021.
17. Maiorana E., Tetougueni C.D., Zampieri P., Pellegrino C., Effect of blast load on the structural integrity of steel arch bridge slab, Engineering Failure Analysis 139, pp.15, 2022.
18. Maiorana E., Poh’sié G. H., Emechebe C. C., Non-Linear Analysis of Corrugated Plate Girders Under Patch Loading, International Journal of Steel Structures, pp.9, 2023.
19. Maiorana E., Aloisio A., Briseghella B., 2d Models of Steel Beams Under Patch Loading for Buckling Coefficient Assessment, Advances in Civil Engineering, pp.20, 2023.
20. Maiorana E., Aloisio A., Bognou Fofou A., Briseghella B., Structural design and lifecycle analysis of an orthotropic steel deck bascule bridge, Structures, 63 (2024), 106426, pp.12, 2024.
Interessi di ricerca
– Acciaio
– Ponti
– Shear Lag
– Robustezza e resilienza
– Stabilità
– Fatica
– Giunzioni saldate e bullonate
– Durabilità